"No- it cannot be" Regina stared in wondor as the parachute made of asparagus as souls shimmered in the beautiful sunset light that drowned out all sorrows. Something had finally gone regina's way. She was so happy a tear of joy swam down her face, died orange in the happyness of the neon sky. That happiness halted immediately when a pig ran and got it, and kept running away.
"No- it cannot be"
"what?" etcetera showing pondered out loud
"That-that was the one and only deborah the pig, better known as laura" She sighed and reached for something in her pocket "she went to my elementary school" She took out keys to an epic motorcycle and we all hopped on. We sped towards LaUrA until we finally caught up and grabbed both deborah and the parachute epictly avoiding the lorax and j.t's dogs until we made it back to the store.
"we have to put it in a safe place"
"But what about deborah?" Exactly Should responded
"well i mean we could put her in a little jail cel and keep her prosoener mwahahaha" Regina laughed sneakily
"I didn't say this before butt, in their secret evil lair the toys r us next to the white house, there is a magic deoderant made of tooth fairy piss that will neutralize the parachute before they can put it in their shrimp soup and open a portal or whatever the backpack does"
That was a Great idea.
They started writing down their plans and then put them next to Debora's cage made of empty coca cola cans and then went to sleep.
Little did they know Laura had a bottle of ink up her asssspiring butthole.
"Fishy fishy fishy making it stinky" she whispered giggling, pouring it all over the plans made on the magic paper . "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Ed Sheeran Epic Kidnap love story
RomanceEd sheeran kidnaps you...and as you stay with him... you start feelling This slice of life this very slicy of life very adventure is cool solly and goofy CREDIT FOR BEATUFUL BeatriZ PICTURE GOES TO BECOME A QUEEN MOBILE GAME obviously satire golly...