I gapsed in jovial shock as the basement air filled my lungs quickly. A tear slowly fell down my cheek. I had never been this appreciated and loved. I quickly rushed inside, my heart filled with happiness. The bed was made of his seven hairs and brocken glass. the nightstand was made only of perfumated wire cables. I could tell he worked all day and night to weave me a rug from his toe hair. I quickly hopped to on the bed and layed down.
"I don't deserve this"
"yes you do beat rizZ and i'm here to give you whatever i want. bAyYabe yOuuU lOooK pEerFeCt tOniGhHt"
I felt so honored and loved.
"before i forget i got this for you"
"what is it edamame shallows"
Suddenly the lorax grabbed him and ran away.
"NoOoOoO" i wailed in anger and sadness
I quickly ran after their chariot. the chariot was made of all glass and the ninja pranksters rappers that were running it seemed to have never ending stamina, but i had never ending creative ity.
I quickly blew the whistle that my grandmama gave me when i was in the womb before she died that i convientientlu had, and careful not to trip on any plot holes as i dashed behind the chariot. Suddenly, an alien space ship sflooped me up and i finally caught up with it, so i said goodbye to the aliens that sploofeped me up there and jumped out with a parachute i had stolen from them.
I felt like i was becoming more and more like him everyday and that scared me. I epically landed on his chaript and epically punched the lorax and epically took control of the chariot. i PULLED at the reighnts to the right and the chariot swerved and slowed down. It finally stopped
"wham...b-bam thank yo-you maam" I could tell he was hurt emotionally.
"Nowhere is safe now, come on follow me. " I jumped out of the chariot and he followed. I saw an adequately placed abandoned store and i decided to stay there. With him. Hiding.

Ed Sheeran Epic Kidnap love story
Roman d'amourEd sheeran kidnaps you...and as you stay with him... you start feelling This slice of life this very slicy of life very adventure is cool solly and goofy CREDIT FOR BEATUFUL BeatriZ PICTURE GOES TO BECOME A QUEEN MOBILE GAME obviously satire golly...