"im literally so speooked rn" i looked worried ans spooked
"don't worrry goerlie we got this ok?" Regina comforted me but she had a sorrowful look in her eye and i didn't understand why yet.
"monkey covering eyes emoji. Thanks"
Once the coast was clear we all snuck into the chuck e. cheese vent. We stayed in for a while and when i look under a small space between my right elbow and behind my left knee I saw regina sobbing quietly.
My eyes widen as I see why.
"NO PLEASE" i whisper, on the verge of yelling and tears
"i bought-" she was sniffling a lot and tears were running all over her face "the among us potion- at three" another sniffle "three in the morning" she finally cried out and another tear swam through the trails of previous ones. It seemed she had kept that cry inside for a while and while i was glad that it came out i was also sorrowful.
"NONONO DROP THAT PLEASE WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS" my semi whisperous voice was muffled through my sobs and cries
"J-justin's rapping dogs- they- they had been- had been experimenting with- with- this pill that- when- when you take it- you either- either die in- in 24 hours or-or" she let out another loud sob and i was surprised she got that far with the amount of tears falling from her eyes "OR
Even Eventually Sharpening let out a tear and i had never se en him as emptional.
"And now that ive tole you" she firmened rhe girp on the pition and gave one last loud sigh "i only have 30 seconds left to live if i don't turn into an among usimposter now"
"no- NO" ed sheeran whipped his head around because his head was so petite and small he easily fit in the one square foot vent with feet left over.
Regina looked at us sorrowfully. "farewell". A singular teal fell from her eye as she gulp gulp gulped the among us potion down, and slowly became an among us imposter, losing all trace of who she was before. Now there was no more regina the rat. Just among us imposter.
First her legs.
The rat hair ungrew and her legs started turning red and round and anything below her knee disappeared. her face melted into her body and a blue face tumor started growing on her face and she grew a back pack out of nowhere.
Her- It's neck did a 360 degree backflip into a turn to eventually look at us for three seconds and start running towards me and my shawty bae and we crawled with my average tiny girl sized body and his petite cute little itty bitty body (except his big personality)and we crawled on all fours untill we finally lost he-it by jumping into the chuck e. cheese laudry duct. Both of us in silence. Both of us stunned. Both of us feeling like we had just lost a mother. We both cried silently.

Ed Sheeran Epic Kidnap love story
RomanceEd sheeran kidnaps you...and as you stay with him... you start feelling This slice of life this very slicy of life very adventure is cool solly and goofy CREDIT FOR BEATUFUL BeatriZ PICTURE GOES TO BECOME A QUEEN MOBILE GAME obviously satire golly...