**AUTHORS NOTE: guys i'm so sorry i've had a crazy school year and on top of that i had summer school so i'm just exhausted my bad yall i hope you like this chapter and sorry for making you wait so long**
This was it. The final temple. I could finally be with him and all this madness could end. Once we destroy the mirror, the dino farts snorters can no longer use it to upheave the dead and cause chaos to this world ending it or ruling it as they please. All this work has left me so disheveled, i'm exhausted and i'm sure my pookie Edgaurdian Sharknado is too. This is finally it though. We finish this we finish all. Once the mirror is full of asparagus, the world will no longer be full of plot holes, and once we place it inside the pyramid, frank ocean will destroy it with cleopatra and we will never have to suffer again. Now... where was I? oh yes. As we step foot in the temple we heard the agitating booms of Brazilian bass. We covered our ears but it was just too loud and good. The first challenge was easy, bake a perfect cookie. As we were nearing the end I remembered something.
"ENABLER SHELTERS" i shout quickly, with the timer running out.
"you're ginger!!!" i shout gleefully, and he remembers as well, and he jumps out and disappears for a second, and a minute later a rainbow appears, but when i look closer, there he is!!
A 3 foot tall version of ed sheeran dressed completely in green from head to toe, with a guan bucket of chocolate gold coins.
"Perfect!!!" i announce to the chat (the brazilian music is making me hallucinate like a possum on nyquil) (it's just my pookie ed)
As i sprinkle in the chocolate into the cookie, I can tell that when we take it out it will be the perfect chocolate chip cookie.
Sure enough I heard a loud booming voice from the speakers
"you may pass that was yummy in my tummy oh boy oh yes yippee"
This temple only had two challenges, but I could tell that the last one would be the most difficult thusfar.
"WHO ARE YOU" a loud voice boomed out
"i'm beatriZ" i coldly state "who are you" i inquire
" i'm laura hoe"
"Sorry laura"
"i'll only forgive you (and give you the asparagus) if you beat me at a brazilian dance competition!!!"
Oh no. I have three left feet (one is surgically connected to my spine bc i have scoliosis). I cant dance.
"I'll step out baeawuiaigeghbeeieigh gouirl "
Good luck king. I think to myself.
As he steps up I can immediately tell he's going to have a tough challenge.
Four minutes in and he's lost. There's no winning against the all mighty laura in brazilian dance.
"GO FOR THE ASPARAGUS" I yell, since there is no phisical way we could get it otherwise.
For a second time stopped. Laura magically spat out seven seals, and one of them chomped my baby's hand clean off.
He winks at me as to show his support, while he grabs the asparagus with the other, and we make a run for it.
We run towards the sunset, towards the metaphor reminding us that day after day the light from the sun will never stop shining.Unless the dino fart snorters get the mirror of course.

Ed Sheeran Epic Kidnap love story
RomanceEd sheeran kidnaps you...and as you stay with him... you start feelling This slice of life this very slicy of life very adventure is cool solly and goofy CREDIT FOR BEATUFUL BeatriZ PICTURE GOES TO BECOME A QUEEN MOBILE GAME obviously satire golly...