Ed Sheeran Epic Kidnap Love Story Part 8

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I sobbed quietly all alone in the attick. The silence was so loud. I was finally alone. I lied down and looked at the roof. All around were pictures of me, except for one where editor sheriff photoshopped himself next to Kurt cobaine . Suddenly I heard barking. I froze and all of life seemed to slow down, until finally the barking sounded more and more faint. I let out a huge sigh of relief, and after an hour of being all alone with my thought and feelings, educated sheep undid the invisibility bareir and kicked down the door. Tears quickly started dancing down my face and I couldn't bring myslef to look at him, not only becáis of the emptiness in my heart but because i also couldbt see with all the tears in my eyes. Before I could say anything he hugged me. Before I knew it a minute had passed, then three then five. I smelled his cologne, specifically goat piss with slug slime flavor gucci cologne. After what seemed like an eternity of earsplitting silence he spat out through tears,

"Don't worry baeiaeiaghbaueieigh gouril I will always be here for you. Throufh your sadness and youre pain. When you're happy, when you're mad. I will never care. You will always be enough for me, even if you try not too."

I was speechless and he slowly wiped my twars away.

"Don't cry. I'm here now" He helped me up "Whenever you'r with me i will always take care of you, no matter what it takes, I will always protect you whenever i can. Now cmon let's get you food" He never let go of my hand until we got to his kitchen and he made spaggeterd carbonara, my favorite. I smiled through the tears and grabbed a fork with "grr i'm so evil" engraved on it. The first bite of my pasta was magnificent.

"yommers" I exclaimed through the shaky breaths "do you really have a whole vial of joe bidens tears for me, edit shouldn't?"

"Like i said, anything for you, you're the only one I ever think about, the one that apears in all my dreams and fantasies, the only one who has managed to capture my entire heart" He came closer, wiped all the tears off my face and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "now cmon i have a surpririse" He grabbed my hand and skipped to the basement door. He smiled as he broke the door down with his left pinky toe, revealing a room, all for me.

Ed Sheeran Epic Kidnap love storyWhere stories live. Discover now