Ed Sheeran Epic Kidnap Love Story Part 12

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"NOOOOOOOO" everyone's heads snapped to look at regina the rat standing over the stinky, fished up plans.
"OUR PLANS" she sobbed " THEIR ARE ALL RUINED" Her head sprung to her left stairing at the pig sleieping soundly "how could she? so help me god of all the universe allegra allegrinson i swear i will kill her"
Suddenly, the god of the universe ascended from the heavens and chided at regina
"HEY MISSY" her voice sounded like thousands of clawds peeing on the grounds while babies and bierds "no no NO that is wrong >:("
I don't know how she verbally expressed an emoji but she's god so i don't know
God really was a woman I guess. What they didn't tell you was that shes kinda small and her blonde hair glimmered in the fluorescent lights of the supermarket we were hiding out in. She's also named allegra allegrinson
"if your ar a women why r u called god?" I ask wuestionatly

"because i believe in women inclusivity and that there shouldn't be a different category for women where there shouldn't be. A host is no different from a hostess they both do the same. For example in chess there shouldn't be a women's category because they can do just as well as men. The only reason there should be a difference is because of inequality because of your gender assigned at birth, for example women do much better at ultra long distance swimming, and men at football. But sometimes those things get confused and people start thinking that there is a gender difference because men would beat women but no that is not true. In america it is taught in some schools for example I used to be raised- i knew a teacher who taught kids and had a packet based on gendered words and it had things like actor and actress which are fine because i mean i dislike that but there's not much i dislike about them but then it had one that was like president and first lady women can be president if men want them to because the cruel reality of this world is that men choose men have the power and we have to fight that but social media isn't helping because so many men are taught there that women are emotional and yes sometimes we are but sometimes EVERYBODY is. women have no right to be degraded like that because everyone is equal and some people are actually idiots who think that people want more than them just because they want equal rights you know"

she started panting breathlessly after saying that in one breath
"so you do that because you are a feminist?" explains shouldn't questioned quirously
"yes basically" she said, and then ascended back into the heavens, scaring me.
"I forgot that she was god for a second"
"the plans"? refinena said annoyed
"oh yes back to that whatever shall we do?"

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