Chapter 3

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In the stadium seats, Goh and Chloe were worried for Ash. It has been 30 minutes and they were stressed out about the fact Ash might have gotten himself lost. 

"I swear Ash is going to miss out on the performance if he takes more time," Goh said with a tint of annoyance.

"I mean it's Ash can you picture the idea that his fighting a trainer right now," Chloe said.

"Of course and plus he did say he wanted to come to Hoenn to train," Goh recalled.

The duo sighed at their friend but their attention was quickly caught. With the stadium's lights closing with chatter and excitement in the air. Everyone in the stadium then heard an intercom as it welcomed them to the Wallace Cup.

Everyone cheered with enthusiasm and positivity in the air. Goh and Chloe feeling the energy in the air cheered as well. Suddenly everyone silenced for a while as the spotlight shinned onto a man with long silky green hair.

"Welcome everyone to the Annual Wallace Cup, I'm your host, Wallace," 

Everyone cheered loudly with whistling and chatting in the stadium.

"Before we have our competition with our beautiful coordinators. We are today blessed with the world-famous anonymous singer, Blazing Satoshi!!" 

The entire stadium erupted into a fit of cheers and whistles with Goh and Chloe doing the same. The spotlight suddenly cuts leaving the stadium in darkness. Tension was high with the anticipation of the performance.

In the darkness, Ash could hear the fears of his bands. He gave a short talk about their great skills and to experience the hype of the event. They all agreed as they ate some chewing gum to calm their nerves.

Ash lightly sighed at this but felt the moving platform beneath them. Understanding the moment he placed on his mask (like Persona Joker's). After a short while, he felt a stop in momentum.

He then gave the band a signal with him holding his fingers in the air. There were three fingers up in the air, slowly as three fell to two and one falling to none. The spotlight shined on the band and immediately the stadium cheered seeing the band there.

The band was scared but Ash turned towards them with a smile. And that seemed to be the push they really needed as they all went into action. The music played as Ash pulled out his mic and started to sing.

The moment Ash sang the stadium erupted into cheers and humming. While most bands focused on extremely hype songs, Ash's were smooth and had just enough energy to make it enough dance to. 

In the stands, Goh was barely containing his excitement as he stood up to sing and cheer. While Chloe on the other hand was usually calm and would not be the type to show high energy. But it would seem like this was her weak spot as she did the same as most people.

In the coordinator's box, most of the girls were looking at Ash/Satoshi. His long raven hair, red eyes, beautiful voice, and cute face. Was all checked for them, but there was a girl who had her focus on Ash/Satoshi more than everyone else.

"It is just me, fighting to breathe, ANXIETY!" 

After that, the lights slowly went out as the platform behind the band slowly descended. Goh and Chloe were both exhausted but happy.  With Ash, he was with the band who were hyped and cheering about their performance.

Ash on the other hand took off his mask as he exhaled with a bottle of cold water. Looking at the time, Ash quickly thanked the band as he gave a quick goodbye. Exiting the room Ash ran to find Pikachu who was waiting right outside of the bag Ash left on a shelf.

Taking his bag Ash quickly changed the clothing in one of the male coordinator's stalls. Thankfully all the coordinators had gone for their first performance. Giving Ash time to quickly change.

Exiting the stall Ash felt the wave of stress falling off his shoulders as he took off his contacts. With Pikachu now back on his shoulder Ash decided to do the last part of the plan. To hopefully actually met up with a good old friend.

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