Chapter 5

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It has been a few days after Ash's confession and he has really not used to it. Just the mention of her name would drive Ash's face red, and the information spread like wildfire. Where he got a phone call from Professor Kukui who said good luck.

But Ash felt safe as at least his biggest secret was kept from everyone. And ironically he was currently in his dorm room thinking about songs. Ash was quite quick with his work this time, as he subconsciously wrote it about love.

Ash felt as if it was funny that he had done this but he shrugged it off. Keeping the folder in his laptop, he looked at the time and quickly got himself ready. It was a free day today, and Ash wanted to improve his own skills.

Picking up his bag he asked if Pikachu wanted to go with him. Pikachu cheered as he climbed onto Ash's shoulder, Ash put on his running shoes and prepared himself to increase his coronation rank. Little did he know that his plans would be cut short by a good friend.

(Time skip :) )

Ash seeing his rank nearly at the Ultra Ball division, was practically giving a signal of wanting to challenge people. But he would later find a buzz on his Rotom Phone making him excited. To only find it signaling Ash to recharge it due to its low battery. 

Ash's sweat dropped at the horrible timing but he sighed and turned off signals for battle. Making his back to the lab, Ash felt a presence around him. It was familiar but he was uncertain of what it was. 

Ignoring it Ash made his way back to the laboratory completely exhausted. As he sat on his bed for a couple of minutes he would later find a feeling on his chest. Sitting upright he was completely certain that there was something there,

And he would be correct as the being exposed itself to be a great friend from Unova. 

"Meloetta?" Ash said slightly loud shocked at the prospect.

"Ash are you alright there?" Professor Cerise asked hearing Ash's voice.

"Nothing professor just researching about some pokemon," Ash said confidently with panic in his mind.

"Alright then Ash just keep it down a little," Professor Cerise asked back as the place grew silent.

Ash breathed out a sigh of relief as he gave smile towards Meloetta.

"So what you doing here in Kanto, all the way from Unova," Ash whispered

Meloetta simply gave a wink with her paw on top of her mouth.

(Meanwhile in Unova)

"Where in the name of Reshiram is Meloetta?!" screamed Ridley holding what seems to be a doll of Meloetta. Which he found when finding for his mythical friend.

(Back at Kanto)

"I think I will ask about that later. But getting back on topic, why are you here for Meloetta?" Ash asked.

"Meloetta..." said the pokemon giving a stare into Ash's eyes.

"I feel like I know the answer to your questions but I'm still confused here," Ash asked.

At this point, Meloetta's face pouts as she immediately pointed toward Ash's throat. Ash was more confused than ever but later as he got into his thinking position. He got into a deep dive into thinking with numbers and formats floating near his face.

Him coming to the conclusion...that he has completely no idea. Meloetta simply facepalmed herself as she then made a pose of singing. Ash's face then paled but remembering that Meloetta is a pokemon, he then admitted it.

Meloetta then seemed a little ecstatic as she pointed at Ash giving him symbols. Practically asking him to sing. Responding to this Ash first went outside of his dorm room. Checking the surroundings, Ash would find it clear as most of the lab assistants were in deep sleep.

Ash sighed as he then locked up his dorm room with a thumbs up toward Meloetta. After getting some of his equipment ready, Ash then decided to be a little free. Releasing his long hair by taking off his league hat.

Picking up the mic Ash thought for a while to sing which song. Looking at Meloetta Ash felt as if she had a preference, but the pokemon simply shrugged.

'Maybe I could try my new song out,' Ash thought as he went over his programs.

'Since it would be a trial, maybe I would not record it,' 

Picking up his laptop, he then pressed play to which a beautiful piano started to play. Turning to his lyrics sheet, Ash started to sing to his new creation.

As he sang Meloetta was ecstatic about her friend singing. Quickly she felt the rhythm of the song and started to tap dance on the floorboard. Giving off a small bassline for Ash's singing which slowly made him sing slightly louder.

After a while, Ash was smiling ear to ear with him feeling the emotions he poured into his song. He would find Meloetta practically smiling and dancing in the air with rapid clapping. Ash feeling in the mood then grabbed the mic and plugged it into the laptop.

As he gave his hand out, as he asked a question.

"Should let the world hear the music we could create Meloetta," 

"Meloetta," she nodded as she got into her Pirouette Form.

(Couple of minutes later)

The world would later receive a notification on their Rotom Phones. As they got a new song from Satoshi. With Meloetta she was invisible and back at Unova listening to the song she helped in. While Ash was drinking a cup of water after singing his heart out.

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