Chapter 8

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As the sun rose to a new day, trainers and pokemon alike woke up to a bright day. Today seemed to have quite a positive atmosphere bringing even the most gloomy person bright. And bringing out attention would be a female pokemon trainer standing in front of the Vermillion City laboratory.

(In the lab)

"Good morning Ash, you seem to be in a good mood today," questioned Goh.

"Oh course, I'm returning back to Pallet Town for the holidays, next week" Ash answered as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"I hope to catch some more pokemon when I'm in Hoenn for my family!" Goh expressed with a fist in the air holding his Rotom Phone.

"Heh, that's great Goh but you should really-" 


The doorbell rang interrupting Ash's sentence and making him sigh. Hearing footsteps he turns to find Professor Cerise running to the door. When he arrived, he turned the doorknob and opened it wide to find a honey-blonde hair girl. Wearing a grey sleeveless shirt, with a red and white skirt.

Ash was curious about the guest, took a peek and saw her. And immediately his morning got much brighter, with Ash running out towards Serena to give her a hug. Professor Cerise was confused by this, but by putting two and two together. He got the memo.

"Ah then you must be Serena," the professor said as he snapped his fingers.

"Wait how did you know my name?" asked Serena.

"Trust me my daughter Chloe had told me enough information," 

"But let's have a seat inside to keep out of the cold weather outside," he continued as he allowed the two into the lab.

When the two were inside, Ash felt Serena leaning close to him. Remembering what he did again, his face flushed redder than his contacts. The two got into the kitchen to find Goh and Chloe taking a picture of the two.

"And sent, now they have evidence about our new couple," Goh said sending the images to Ash's friends.

For the following minutes, Ash was quiet and blushing with the constant teasing. While Serena was all for it playing along with the questions Goh and Chloe asked. While Pikachu watched from the corner snickering at his trainer's demise.

Now Ash and Serena were alone in Ash's dorm, with Goh leaving early for his flight. Chloe and Professor Cerise were packing up for their own return. Ash was at the time shower, and as he finished he had a horrible realization.

'I forgot to bring my hat with my clothes!!' 

'Oh now I'm really going to get it,'

Serena was looking around Ash's room but noticed a couple of things that were just out of place. With a recording mic on the table with Ash's hat hanging over it. Some papers with musical lyrics about various topics. With the majority being love and stress.

'Why would Ash have these?' Serena questioned in her head.

'Could it right?' she thought further but she would snap back to reality.

"Hey, Serena could you hand me my hat," 

"Sure thing, Ash..."

Serena stumbled over her words to find Ash's long rough raven hair. Weirdly enough only further supported her personal theory about Ash's things. But there was one thing that was far more important.

"Ash comes here, your hair is just plain messy!' Serena shouted as she grabbed a comb and brush.

With no resistance, Ash got dragged to the bed where Serena proceeded to comb his hair. Surprisingly, Ash was not very tall for a guy his age. Whereas Serena was slightly taller than average making Ash slightly shorter.

 "So Ash would you mind explaining about long hair," Serena questioned.

"Erm well, after traveling after a couple of years. I kind of forget to cut it," Ash answered sheepishly

"That sounds like you Ash or should I say Satoshi," Serena said whispering the last part.

Ash's eyes turned dark as his smile faded, with his face sweating profusely. As he stumbled on his words with only gibberish coming out.

"Please don't tell anyone about this Serena," Ash said begging on his knees.

"Wait really you are him, I only said that as a joke because you had long hair like him," Serena said with shock.

'And this is where my life would be in shambles...' Ash thought.

"Why would you hide this Ash, does anyone else know this?" Serena said with a pout.

"No, not that I'm aware of it," Ash said with a guilty face.

"But I'm not mad, just slightly happy," Serena responded


"Because now I can finally hear your beautiful voice with your cute face," said Serena as she drew her hand onto Ash's face.

"But for now, let's just comb your messy hair,"

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