Chapter 14

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"Let's get the fight right on the road," Menhera exclaimed as he lunged onto the battlefield.

The entire village stared at the trainer but laughed feeling his high energy. Rolling onto his position he got into his posture ready for the fight.

"Well that was certainly a battle introduction," Clemont commented.

"But it's iconic I guess," Bonnie said as she recorded the trainer.

"At least he is happy, I guess," Serena said with a sweatdrop at the action.

"Skipping past that, I'm ready to fight Menhera!" Ash shouted with his hand wrapping into a fist.

"I like your battle energy but let's have more action than talking!" Menhera said as he released his first pokemon.

Ash decided to send out Gengar as Menhera send out Mimikyu. After a while, a Rotom Drone came down as it announced the battle. 

"This is a 2 vs 2 battle, with the 12th trainer Ash vs the 9th trainer Menhera. Now begin!"

"Gengar let's start off with a Shadow Ball!"

"Mimikyu dodge then Trick Room!"

Gengar fired a Shadow Ball for a direct hit, to only find its attack missing its target. Mimikyu on the other hand being unharmed used Trick Room to set up the stage.

"Now let's have a sharp dance Mimikyu!"

"Gengar use Dazzling Gleam!"

Due to the Trick Room, Mimikyu went first using Swords Dance to boost its Attack. However, it would come at a cost with Gengar's Dazzling Gleam hitting its mark destroying its Disguise.

"Return for now Mimikyu, now let's have Aegislash take the show!"

"Gengar be careful, this can be a 'tricky' opponent,"

Hearing this while being in a Trick Room Gengar snickered at the pun but then got more serious with the battle.

"Aegislash let's fight with Shadow Sneak!"

"Gengar Will-O-Wisp!"

Aegislash immediately went for the offensive as its shadow slashed Gengar from behind. While it was painful, the Shadow Pokemon held tight as purple flames burned its opponent.

"Aegislash I know it hurts but let's finish the show with Flash Cannon!"

"Gengar counter with Shadow Ball,"

As the two projectiles collided, Menhera smiled at Aegislash.

"Now Aegislash let's finish this knightly duel with Shadow Sneak!"

"Gengar try to dodge!"

But it was futile as Aegislash's movement was faster due to the trick room. Striking Genger head first knocking out the Pokemon. Returning to Gengar Ash thanked the Shadow Pokemon as he went to pick his next Pokemon.

But he seems to not have decided as suddenly a low croak was heard. With two water shurikens fired at Aegislash.

"Wait why do I hear main character music..." Menhera said as his face paled.

"Greninja!" everyone but Menhera exclaimed at the arrival of the pokemon.

"Wait are you...ah, I understand. Let's win this Greninja!" Ash said as he heard Greninja's voice explaining that his duty is done.

"Well, I'm boned...but I'm not going to leave without a fight!" Menhera exclaimed as he and Aegislash got into their pose again.

'Well this is going to be interesting,' Ash thought as his smile widened.

"Aegislash bring forth a Gryo Ball!"

"Greninja use Double Team!"

Aegislash tried to hit the real Greninja with no avail, as the clones were practically in the hundreds. Little did Ash's opponent know about the classic blunders.

"Now Greninja attack with Cut!"

"Aegislash behind you!"

Greninja however did not pull out its iconic white blade, instead in its place was a purple one slashing the Royal Sword Pokemon with a swift clean hit. 

"That was Night Slash it seems that Greninja got some new moves on his own," Clemont commented

Immediately Menhera sweatdropped at the opponent before him. With the trick room flickering and disappearing he sighed as he got ready for the last stand.

"Mimikyu let's battle some stars shall we!"

"Mimikyu use Shadow Claw!"

"Counter with Aerial Ace!'

Mimikyu's eyes shined as dark claws tried to hit Greninja. However, it missed as the pokemon swiftly dodged with Aerial Ace and struck the Disguise Pokemon with a powerful kick.

"Ouch, Mimikyu let's Drain Punch!"

"Fight back with Water Shuriken,"

Mimikyu seeing that Greninja was right in front punched the ninja in the chest launching it back. However, it was not without consequences as Greninja's move dealt heavier damage.

'Mimikyu is on his last stand... welp here goes nothing,'

"Alright, Mimikyu let's show them our special technique,"

Everyone had a question mark on their heads as to what the technique was. But Ash and Pikachu had a horrible feeling, as Mimikyu had his eyes fixed on them.

"Now allow anger to consume this battle Mimikyu!!!"

"Greninja please pay full attention to Mimik-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Mimikyu struck Greninja with a punch dealing massive damage. Upon closer inspection, Menhera's Mimikyu had a dangerous aura surrounding it. This immediately gave Ash and Pikachu flashbacks to the Mimikyu back at Alola.

But getting back his focus, Ash saw Menhera had full focus on Mimikyu.

"Alright then, Greninja use Night Slash!"

"..." Menhera said nothing but a nod.

Approaching the Disguise Pokemon, Greninja narrowly dodged multiple physical attacks that Mimikyu threw his way. Nearing Mimikyu Greninja got his blade ready, unaware of the two claws behind him.

But to end the tension and the fight, Greninja slashed perfectly knocking out Menhera's pokemon.

"Welp we tried to fight the main character...and failed," Menhera said as he returned Mimikyu with a smile.

After the Rotom Drone announced the end of the battle. Ash turned to Greninja with a hug, happy that his loyal water pokemon returned. While most of the group went to celebrate Greninja's return.

There was one that had a special word with Greninja. It was Serena's Delphox who pulled Greninja to the side to have word with him. On the side of the coin, the group integrated the Paldean trainer about the stunt he pulled.

(Author's note: Three more days, but this is a more battle-eccentric chapter with the lame excuse to bring back Greninja. Also, I will only be having Menhera for 1 more chapter and I would be sending him on his merry way. Although it's very fun to write his dialogue)

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