Chapter 11

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(Author's note: This is a joke chapter to make light of some fantastic fanart with Ash and Serena's reaction to it...)

"Well, I'm bored want to search Pokenet Serena?" Ash suggested.

"Sure, I'm having nothing to do today as well," Serena answered.

"But what to search about?" Ash questioned as he got ready to type out the idea.

"How about we search some fanart of you Ash, I mean you are a famous trainer after all," 

"Sure, I mean what bad can it be?" Ash answered back. 

Typing in his name and the word fanart, he then pressed enter and went into images. They scrolled for a while until Serena found an image of Ash made her curious.

 They scrolled for a while until Serena found an image of Ash made her curious

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"Hey Ash was is this image?"

"Oh it's probably an image that was taken when I was in Alola, and the pokemon next to me is God- I mean Rowlet and Rotom-Dex."

"Cute, is Rowlet still in his original form?"

"Yes because he swallowed an Everstone," Ash said with a face without a single slight of concern.

After that, the duo scrolled for a while until they found another image that made them pause for a while.

After that, the duo scrolled for a while until they found another image that made them pause for a while

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"Wow, someone drew how much I grew," Ash said with a sense of pride in his journey.

"But you are still shorter than me," Serena said.

"I know, and I will surpass you soon Serena!" 

"I know you will," she said hugging her boyfriend who pouted and blushed.

Continuing on their internet search they then stumbled upon something again.

Continuing on their internet search they then stumbled upon something again

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"Wow, I guess that's how we would look if we went to a school..."

"Yeah, and your expression is priceless Ash. I mean it reflects your personality if we were to study," 

"I...I guess your right, I'm not the biggest fan of conventional studies," Ash agreed with defeat as he wanted to argue.

The two continued until they found something that Ash had nightmares about.

The two continued until they found something that Ash had nightmares about

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"Welp let's look at something else, shall we... Serena?"

There was no response but Ash saw Serena in a thinking pose with a nodding ever so often. After a while, Serena gave a response.

"I'll let you off the hook for now Ash, but soon I need to see it for my own eyes," 

Ash took in a deep breath of air as he felt his demise of dressing up again imminent. But going to the top of the page again, Ash found some interesting options.

"Hmm, your name is here as an extra. Want to see the options, Serena?"

"Sure let's see what the Pokenet thinks of the both of us,"

The moment Ash clicked on the option, both trainers' eyes saw things that the entire world felt. Some were quite common, with either Ash and Serena being in a cute position or blushing around each other.

But there was one trope that caught both of their attention. As one of them remembered their sentence, back at the Hoenn airport.

 As one of them remembered their sentence, back at the Hoenn airport

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"Erm... well this is certainly...interesting..." Ash said with his face bright like a signal flare.

"Serena you're silence speaks volumes right now..." Ash noticed as he turned to see his girlfriend.

"Ash, how old can people legally have children..." 

"Erm, I think it 18 if for the lowest of low,"

"Well then I'm going to disobey the law for the first time in my life," Serena announced.

"Wait Serena no, we are only 17 please be considerate," Ash protested

"I'm only kidding we aren't even married. YET," Serena jokingly said the first part but left the last part as a whisper in Ash's ears.

"I think we should head for dinner now, I'm happy that we did this today," Serena said as she headed down the stairs in an excellent mood.

"Well, that's enough of the internet," Ash exclaimed as he slowly closed his tabs and laptop. Walking down he thought of the images of himself and Serena.

'Damn it I'm going red again, I don't know why this has been a regular occurrence,' Ash thought as he sat on the diner table.

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