Chapter 12

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"Alright let's get this right again," Ash said softly as he wrote the lyrics of his new song. 

He was struggling to make a new song, which is something quite rare. He often times could come out with music and lyrics on the spot. But it would seem like today would be different, as he has been staring at a piece of paper for an hour.

Serena was concerned about this and approached Ash. Turning his office chair found him sleeping with him going limp as he felt his mind being juiced. 

"Ash are you alright, you have been like this for a literal hour,"

"Serena, please I need inspiration from something," Ash said abruptly feeling the lowest of lows.

"Inspiration you say, how about this?"

Serena stated as she pulled Ash into a deep kiss, Kalosian style. While Ash was a guy, he is quite conservative and this made his face hotter than a cast iron pan on fire. After what felt like forever, Ash and Serena separated with Serena licking her lips. While Ash was trying to hide his embarrassment.

"That certainly helped me to boost my morale, but in terms of ideas. I'm drawing a bl-" Ash said depressingly until his mind lit up with an idea.

"Serena, break me please," Ash said with no hint of irony in his voice.

"Wait break you?! Which way Ashy?" Serena asked as she prepared the chain Ash used on Halloween.

"Wait not that way! I mean to hurt me emotionally Serena, I want to see if that could help," 

"Sure I guess, but be warned it could hurt," Serena stated as she got ready her voice.

"Hit me with your best shot,"

"Then Ash, I think that I hate have been so slow with your motives. I have opened up to you to be dominant and be a man but really you are just a short one with an annoying voice," Serena said with pain in her chest.

Looking up Serena saw Ash's face pale as he dropped to his knees with tears flowing down his cheeks. Seeing this Serena sighed as she got Ash on her lap, comforting her reckless boyfriend.

'I can't believe that I fell in love with this cute and handsome idiot..." Serena thought as she looked at Ash.

"There, there," Serena said as she brushed Ash's hair and cheeks.


After Ash got over the painful emotions, he immediately got onto his laptop and sang. It was interesting for Serena to see Ash record his music. There was a smooth melody as Ash's program played the music. After a while, Ash started to sing with him placing his left hand on his chest.

Serena heard the passion Ash sang but she understood the meaning of the song. It was painful and beautiful, as it was about a person taking in the reality of heartbreak. Serena felt it personally as she was the one who broke Ash's heart at that moment.

As the song came to a conclusion, Ash then turned to find Serena on the bed crying. Worried Ash then got to his girlfriend and comforted her. While Ash was quite dense in romantic gestures and feelings, he was an expert in negative emotions.

Ash basically got Serena covered in hugs and kisses. Something that worked as Serena slowly got more confident. Until it was too much, with Serena later swiftly placing the chain on Ash's neck.

"S-Serena..." Ash was confused and a little scared.

"Ash, I'm sorry but I will keep the promise I had during Halloween," Serena was beyond reasoning as the lust in her eyes was present.

"Wait please, Serena. HELP!" Ash tried to run but the chain on his neck got pulled. As Serena pulled her boyfriend back onto the bed.

(And they had a perfectly normal tea-drinking session...And nothing else... trust me ;) )

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