Chapter 6

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It was a bright new day, Ash and Goh were back at Galar. While Goh was during his regular routine of catching Pokemon. Ash was currently stressing again as he was here for two reasons. The first was a coordination match with a trainer named Marnie. And second, was a collaboration with a musician called Pier.

Ash had just finished his battle with Marnie and it went smoothly fighting with Giganamax. Currently, Goh and Ash were in Hammerlocke where Goh had wanted to return back to Kanto early for his family reunion with an important family member. 

Ash wanted to remain in Galar for his collaboration and it would be suspicious for him to remain. After a while, he got a sinister smile as he turned to Pikachu asking him to stay for a while. He then approached Goh with a natural smile.

"Hey Goh, I have urgent news,"

"What is it Ash, is it a new rare pokemon for my Pokedex?!"

", but it would be more important. As I needed to stay at Galar for an extra 2 days,"

"Why Ash, it is something dangerous then I'm going with you!"

"Nothing like that Goh, but it would be something mellow. As I wanted to train more with Dynamax"

"Oh...that's completely reasonable. I'll tell Professor Cerise about this about your extension,"

"Thanks, Goh, you really are a great friend,"

As the dark-skinned trainer left, Ash breathed out a sigh of relief. Picking up his partner Pikachu, they quickly made it to train for their stop, Spikemuth.

(After an hour, with multiple train delays)

They had arrived at Spikemuth, Ash was currently doing a disguise. Where he would leave his long hair out but have his expressions blank. Looking like a regular trainer who had a Pikachu as an emotional support pokemon.

After slipping by some trainers Ash was now in the location of the studio. But all he found was a decommissioned city with neon lights. Having the benefit of the doubt, they entered the location. Walking in they did find some punk-style trainers trying to battle them.

But with a quick sweep with Pikachu and Sirfetched, Ash then found the city. There was a stage with a band of hard metal music. Making a swift turn into the broken building Ash changed into his alter ego.

Skipping after time, Pier was looking at the time and was slightly frustrated. But he would later hear a voice drawing his attention to find his collaborator.

"Sorry for the late arrival Pier," Satoshi said

"Sorry for the late arrival Pier," Satoshi said

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(Ash/Satoshi looks like this)

"I like your style Satoshi, but let's make it quick why do you want to make music together," Pier asked with a smile.

"Well, to be honest, I think it would be nice to make a deal," 

"Interesting name your price..." Pier said crossing his arms together.

"The price well its quite the steal actually... As I all I need..."

The anticipation was intense in the atmosphere, Team Yell was sweating at possibly seeing a side of the world-famous Satoshi not shown to the public.

"Is for you to teach and guide me on punk rock music. And I will accompany and allow you to feature in your music for popularity," Ash said with a shine at the corner of his eyes.

The suspense fell as everyone fell over at the innocent and normal response Satoshi gave. But Pier merely smiled as his music would now be worldwide, and all he would do was teach Punk Rock. He already wanted to recommend to Satoshi a change of pace for his music.

(Author's Note: We don't really listen to Punk Rock... So you could listen to your own for a change of pace I guess.)

After a couple of hours, Satoshi and Pier were literally sweating waterfalls. As they sang their hearts out with their first small performance together. Surprisingly the two complimented together with Satoshi's mellow to energetic style. And Piers gradually hyping of the crowd to focus and bring more energy.

Afterward, Satoshi handed Pier the recording of their song. Later quickly and swiftly leave with him picking up all his stuff and rushing out of the city. To find a dense forest to change back into Ash.

Pier having the recording of the music simply shrugged as he inserted it into his album.

(After three days)

Ash was now back in Kanto, Vermillion city. He had just woken up and placing on his cap he headed into the kitchen. As he entered he immediately here familiar lyrics and rhythm. Turning the corner he found everyone in the lab dancing to the beat.

Looking at his Rotom Phone he would find the music he made with Pier was now 1st on the trending page. While at Galar, Pier was practically shocked by the views and attention he got from the collaboration.  With the whole of Galar listening to his music.

Holding his Rotom Phone to his chest, Pier gave let a tear flow down his cheek.

'THANK YOU, BLAZING SATOSHI!!!!' Pier thought in his head.

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