Chapter 4

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After the Wallace Cup came to an end, everyone was now exiting the stadium. While Goh and Chloe were now searching for Ash. Ash on the hand was standing on the door frame waiting for his lov- I mean friend.

'Three, two, and one,' Ash thought as he turned to find a shocked face.

"Nice to meet you again Serena," Ash said with a bright smile.

"Ash?! Where did you?" 

"Don't worry about it Serena you know that childhood friends always find each other,"

"But really I don't think I would care much about where you came from. Moreover, you actually being here to see me," Serena said.

Ash hearing this, felt as if an arrow shot his heart making his face red slightly. 

"Erm... thanks Serena, but would you like to catch up with times outside," 

"I would love to Ash,"

The two then exited backstage with each other talking with smiles plastered all over their faces. While they talked and laughed the people around all thought of one thing. 'What a lovely couple!'

"Ash where were you!" Goh shouted.

Ash, Serena, and Pikachu turned to the voice to find Goh and Chloe running toward them. The two panted from them sprinting but Ash simply gave them some bottled water. The two drank it all as they caught their breaths.

And immediately they went into asking questions.

"Ash where did you go, you missed all the performances," screamed Goh.

"Sorry Goh, I had a challenge with a trainer. And after a couple of short slip-ups, I found myself meeting my childhood friend Serena." Ash said sheepishly scratching his head.

"Well that answers my question," Chloe said as she groomed her Eevee with Serena.

"But really thought, I'm surprised that you would miss a performance from Satoshi," Goh said as his face gloomed.

"I'm sorry about that Goh, I would try to get it next year," Ash said with his heart practically screaming.

The four talked for a while until Ash suggested that they all go to the airport. As they needed to prepare for their flight back to Kanto. Mentioning this, Serena felt her heart hurting a little as she wanted to achieve her second goal. Ash seeing this felt himself dying a little seeing Serena's sad face.

But later he thought back to Kalos' airport and his face blushed a little as he had an idea of what to do. 

"Hey Serena would you like to walk together to the airport," Ash suggested with a smile.

"Su..sure Ash," Serena answered stumbling on her words, as she was caught off guard by Ash's request.


The four walked to Hoenn airport, with a slight time delay on Goh trying to catch Pokemon. Ash, Goh, and Chloe had just secured and checked their flight. Goh and Chloe had just gotten past the board area, while Ash was talking with Serena.

"Well it seems that our paths are separated again," Ash said with a hint of sadness.

"Yeah, it seems that we are back to achieving our goals," Serena said trying to be a bit enthusiastic.

"Serena I know that face, I'm sad as well to be separated again but I know that we would be together again," Ash said with a smile.

"Why are you so sure of that Ash?" Serena asked.

"Because I have an answer to a question from 2 years ago," Ash said with a sly smile.

"What questio...!!!" Serena asked to only be cut short by feeling a warm kiss on her lips.

The two were in that pose for a solid 35 seconds, until they separated with both blushings madly. While Ash was dying inside slightly regretting his sudden action. While with Serena, Arceus was curious why was a soul so blessed that they achieved to enter his domain.

While at the side Pikachu, Goh, and Chloe watched with their jaws on the ground. 

"Serena? Serena! Are you okay, I'm sorry for the sudden action," Ash said rapidly.

"Ash... it seems that your answer would be accepted greatly," Serena said with tears running down her face.

"And also, my mother is the type to expect new ones to the family," she continued making a sly comment.

Ash was slightly confused but he continued on to find Goh and Chloe ready to ask full of questions.

"Well it seems that I'm going to have to explain quite the story on the way back," Ash said softly to Pikachu who was also surprised by Ash's low density.

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