Chapter 7

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"Ash!!! Where the hell did you go?!?!" screamed Goh and Chloe as they chased their friend.

"I'm not dressing up again," Ash responded making tight twists and turns.

It was Halloween and the three were currently in the lab for a celebration event. There was nothing really special in particular. As it was just a fun little event for the people of the world. The three were running like this as Ash did not want to dress up as 'Ashley' again.


"Please Ash, it would just be a short fun time,"

"How about no, as I have my own costume!"

"Wait really?" the two stopped as they found Ash up in a tree.

"Yes, I just said it was a joke that I did not have one alright,"

"Fine...but soon Ash we would force you to dress up in a skirt,"

"In your dreams..." he responded with a blank expression.

After that chaotic start to the event, Ash then slipped into his dorm room. And immediately screamed into a corner as he actually did not have a costume. The only ones he has are the ones he purchased for his musical performances.

And he would really be a massive idiot to wear those in public. Thinking for a while, he then decided to create one on the fly. Scrolling through some ideas Ash then found something very simple.


It was now late evening, and Goh and Chloe were frustrated and curious about where is Ash.

"Where is he?" Goh questioned as he looked at his Rotom Phone.

"I don't know but if he is late for another minute he is going to get it," Chloe said as she pulled the skirt.

"Calm down, I'm here alright..."

The duo turned to find Ash in his 'costume'. Wearing no shirt but instead wraps of bandages. A fake or real chain on his neck. Accompanied by a pair of fake wolf ears, and a tail.

 Accompanied by a pair of fake wolf ears, and a tail

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(Inspired by this fanart)

"Wow, Ash quite unique huh?" Goh said as he noticed Ash's long hair.

"But really where did you get this," Chloe asked as she held the loose chain.

"Don't worry about it, I'm more concern about what people are to do with it," Ash said as he took back the chain.

"Like what?" the two asked.

"Yanking and holding it as if I were a dog," Ash as goosebumps appeared.

"Skipping past that let's begin trick or treating!!!" Goh screamed with excitement.

"I won't really take candy but I'm more curious to find some friends that love Halloween," Ash said with a smile as he gripped Gengar's Pokeball.

As the trio went from house to house people were mostly cheery and happy. However, there were a few that were interesting and fun. Trying to scare people with jumpscares and fighting with Ghost-type Pokemon.

And this was exactly what Ash was searching for. After a while, Ash found himself separated from the duo. Feeling his 'great luck', Ash released Gengar who immediately embraced the spooky atmosphere

The two walked for a while until Ash found a battle, and immediately he heard two familiar voices. Going around the crowd Ash found himself in front and saw the challengers. The first was an elderly woman with greying blonde hair, wearing a purple dress and holding a wooden staff.

The second was a tall young man, with blond hair and an iconic purple hand band. The elderly woman was Agatha, the third Elite four of the Johto and Kanto region. And the young man was Morty from Ercuteak City, Johto.

Ash was immediately enthralled with the battle as he was curious how Morty would fair against Agatha. Remembering his previous match with the Elite four members and not even standing a chance.

 "Drifblim use Shadow Ball!" Morty shouted as he was currently pushed into a corner.

"Gengar would you kindly show them your Shadow Ball," Agatha said calmly.

The two moves collided but Gengar's overpower's past Drifblim's striking head first. Knocking out the poor pokemon, Morty immediately returned his pokemon thanking it for its effort. Everyone clapped at the match, but Ash wanted to get personal thus he approached the two trainers.

"Morty, Agatha! Remember me?" 

The two ghost trainers turned to find the unique trainer. With a Gengar of his own right by his side. 

"Ah, it's great to see you. It has been years since we last meet," the two trainers with different tones.

"Yup, and I have also improved my own skills in battling from last time,"

"I'm more surprised about how you're dressed. But let's look past that," Morty said with a little snicker.

"Excusing this rude behavior, I'm more over fond of your Gengar," Agatha said petting the ghost pokemon. While she swiftly whacked Morty's right leg with her staff.

"Yeah, I found him when I returned back to Kanto. And I would also learn that he was abandoned by his previous trainer,"

Hearing this both Morty's and Agatha's facial expressions turned dark. As they smiled with visible anger on their faces, giving off an intimidating aura. 

"But it's okay, now as Gengar is a great friend to everyone who is kind," Ash said as his hand was taken and placed with an apple from Gengar.

"See," Ash said with a relaxed smile.

"That's great, but remember if that trainer comes back. Remember to call me for a 'special' lesson," said both Agatha and Morty placing their number on Ash's hand.

After a while of talking, they separated, and Ash immediately remembered about Goh and Chloe. Picking up a small snack, Ash decided to leave them a message. Telling them about his location back at the laboratory.

(Skipping past, in the interest of time)

Ash was currently in his dorm room face timing Serena. She said that next time, she would be using the chain on Ash's neck for 'something else. While Ash is not as dense as he was before, he was not too aware of Kalosian-style lovemaking.

Little did he know the place Serena was face timing was the Hoenn Airport as she was face timing with her Rotom Phone. Back with Goh and Chloe, Chloe was handling Goh running wild and catching ghost Pokemon.

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