Soren's first time getting rejected

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Callum immediately began packing everything. The only issue is Rayla can't go with them since apparently she needs some rest. 

He packed for around 2 weeks, if everything goes right they'll be back soon. 

He kissed Rayla goodbye while she was sleeping and left the castle in the middle of the night on horseback to not attract any attention. 

Callum felt the wind on his face, the cool night breeze stopping him from getting sleepy. Soren's horse was trotting next to his, looking all elegant while the not so elegant rider was humming to himself. The moon was shining on his face, making it easy to see his closed eyes. 

Callum hesitated, before speaking up. "What's the song?"

Soren cracked one eye open. "Something my mother used to sing, I don't remember the name, just how it went." 

Callum smiled slightly. "I don't remember my mother."

"Lucky." Soren mumbled, turning around to lean his back on the horse's neck, putting both hands behind his head. He brought his knees up and looked at the stars. "I remember mine, she always used to fight with my dad."

Callum watched Soren sigh. "Do you want to talk about it."

"Not really." Soren chuckled to himself, shaking his head. 

Callum finally looking up at the stars, softly gasping when he saw them. The sky was littered with what looked like white glitter, mixed with all sorts of shades blue and white. 

"I need a girlfriend." He heard Soren mumble. Callum tilted his head at his friend, smiling when he saw him still looking at the stars. Soren took a deep breath and turned to Callum. "I would walk with her, hold her hand, pick flowers in picnic dates to put in her hair. We would stargaze like we're doing right now, she would live in the palace, and become great friends with Rayla. I would let you use your weird ass magic to play tricks on her, and I would let Ez ramble off about whatever animal he met that day. I would get her breakfast everyday like you do with Rayla, miss her when I'm off protecting the king, cuddle her at night. I would let her use Rayla's vanilla scent cause man it smells good. I would let her do that and so much more." 

Callum looked at him, eyes glasses over and lips parted. "Wow Soren." He breathed. He was shocked at his friend's sudden outburst.

Soren laughed to himself. "It's stupid, only a dream."


The next morning they rode into a random town, hoping to find breakfast. They rented out a stables to put their horses into and walked around by foot, looking at all sorts of market stalls. 

Callum watched as Soren bounded ahead, looking much better after last night. He sighed to himself, looked over at the many different sweets that lined the carts.


Suddenly Callum smashed into Soren way to muscular back. He winced in pain, holding his chest. That had got to hurt Rayla.

"Soren what the hell?" Callum yelled. He looked up to see Soren's eyes trained on something. 

"Hello?" He said, waving his hands in front of Soren. "Earth to Soren? Buddy?"

He sighed and followed his line of vision, eyes landing on something. 

Or someone. 

A girl. 

That makes a lot of sense now.

A girl, around Rayla's height with long brown hair, stood a couple of meters away. Her hair was down passed her breast area, half of it braided into a hair crown while the other was down. She had on a sleeveless navy blue dress, the skirt practically touching the floor. She was smiling, petting a baby goat gently. He turned to Soren, watching his eyes slowly soften.

Callum smirked at Soren. "What were you saying last night?"

"Shut up." Soren mumbled, taking a few steps forward. "I'm going in."

Callum rolled his eyes. "And I'm following cause I have no choice."

The closer they got, the more details they could make out. She had the most beautiful forest green eyes that perfectly matches her complexion, and she was blissfully unaware of the idiot that's about to make a move on her. 

Soren cleared his throat, startling her. She looked up, eyes widening when she saw him.

He cleared his throat. "Would you grab my arm, so I can tell my friends I've been touched by an angel?" He finished off the sentence by flashing an award winning smile. 

The girl giggled while Callum facepalmed himself, groaning into his hand. 

"Charming." She said, her voice light and airy.

Soren leaned forward. "My name's Soren."

She smiled. "Pleasure to meet you, my name's Skye."

Soren grinned. "Cute name."

Callum gagged and looked away, wishing he can crawl in a hole and die. 

She giggled at Soren's comment,  moving forward. "Where are you from?"

He grinned. "A castle."

She acted surprised.  "Oh really!?"

"Yeah! I can even take you back there if you want."

She giggled, moving even closer. Soren gulped and looked down at her, smiling.

"I want you to know something." She whispered. 

He smiled. "And what is that?"

 She violently grabbed his shirt collar, forcing him to look up at her. 

"I'm not that easy." She said through gritted teeth.

And just like that she released him and walked off, leaving Soren dumbfounded.

She looked back and casted a smirk at Callum, who was doubling over in laughter. 

We rewrote the stars -Rayllum AU (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now