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Callum turned over and smiled lazily when he saw Rayla sleeping peacefully.  He brushed her white bangs out of her face, silently laughing when he saw her wrinkle her nose. She opened her eyes, blinking to adjust to the brightness.

"We forgot to close the blinds." She mumbled groggily, rubbing her eyes with the palm of her hand. Callum chuckled and gently kissed her cheek. She smiled and got out of bed.

"Where are you goingggg?" Callum complained, opening the cover to welcome her back in. 

"We made plans remember?" 

He smiled. "I remember stargazer."

Her cheeks turned pink. "Right." She stops to clear her throat. "Well it's time to get up."

Callum glanced at the sky, seeing the sun's position. "It's early Ray."

"Do you wanna go out or not?"

"Ok ok I'm up." 

Callum basically crawled out of his bed, checking his reflection on the mirror.

Rayla smiled and went into her room. "You better wear a sleeveless shirt, i love the rune tattoos."

"Will do!" Callum called out, fighting the blush that was creeping onto his cheeks. 

God he was so in love. 

He trudged into his closet and picked out a random silver and navy blue sleeveless shirt. He slipped on black pants and the shirt, admiring his tattoos. He doesn't really know what they do yet, but he hopes his reading will help. 

"Calllum where are you?" Rayla called out.

"Really can't live without me can y'a-."

His breath caught in his throat. She stood there wearing a short lavender purple dress. With a short black cloak on top. She wore no jewelry but her wedding band that was sparkling. 

"You look... wow." Callum murmured, before a brilliant smile overtook his features.

"I can't believe you're my wife."

Rayla's mouth fell open, then she closed it when she closed it in realization. "Callum you're such a sap."

He shrugged. "Can't help it."

She giggled and grabbed his arm, slowly leading him out of the room. 

"Mornin!" She called out to Soren, who was currently distracted with Ez. Ezran looked up and grinned.

"Morning guys! Sleep well?" Rayla blushed slightly.

"Yeah we did." Callum called out. "Walk with us to breakfast?" 

Ezran quickly took Soren's hands and began following them. 

"Do you guys have any plans before the ball tonight?" Soren inquired, clearly bored. 

"Yeah, we have a date."

"Awwww." Ezran fawned, grabbing Rayla's arm. "Where are you going?"

She smiled down at him, reaching out her hand to ruffle his curly brown locks. "Where we had our first date."

"Awww!" Soren fawned, grabbing onto Callum's shoulder. He rolled his eyes.

"Okay enough with the awws!" He exclaimed, going down the stairs in kind of a rush. He looked back and grabbed Rayla's hand to help her down the bottom step. She gave him a grateful smile and they walked hand in hand to the dining hall. 

"JELLY TARTS!" Ezran exclaimed, running towards the breakfast buffet. Soren excitedly hurried behind him, a huge grin on his face. 

"I'll grab your breakfast." Callum reassured Rayla, gesturing to her seat. She sat down and flashed him a grateful smile. 


She nodded eagerly, watching him as he piled on pancakes onto a fresh plate. He grabbed some fresh fruit and some waffles and went to sit down next to her. Ezran and Soren sat across from them with a pile of jelly tarts, digging in.

They exchanged pleasantries as they ate breakfast, enjoying each other's company.

"Have fun on your date!" Ezran exclaimed, dragging Soren to the courtyard. 

Callum quickly slipped his hand into Rayla's and pulled her out of the castle. Rayla sighed in content, finally relaxed. 

They walked through town, stopping at various colourful stand to admire their merchandise.

"You don't have to get that for me!" Rayla complained, grabbing his wallet out of his hand. 

"But moonstones match your eyes! And they'll look pretty." 

"It's way too much." 

"I live at a literal palace!" He argued back, placing the silver coins on th counter. The lady smiled and handed him the necklace. "Besides.... you deserve it." 

Rayla blushed as he fastened the necklace around her neck. She turned to him, capturing his lips in a soft kiss. She pulled away, smiling up at him. He grabbed her hand and they started walking towards the outskirts of town, getting closer to their destination. When they reached the really sketchy part of town, one building made Callum stop in his tracks. 

Rayla looked back, confused. "Callum why are you- oh." 

Her heart dropped as she watched him stare at nothing but rubble and ash. 

We rewrote the stars -Rayllum AU (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now