Chapter 2

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At exactly 8 am, kami nakarating ng aking cousin, sa front gate of our university. Talk sya ng talk mula pa kanina, but I just ignore him, since sanay naman na me sa ingay niya, na akala mo naka eat ng megaphone. Also, para siyang pwet ng chicken! Well sabagay mukha naman siyang pwet! I secretly laugh with my own thought, while girls started to greet us as we walk in the corridors.

"Uy si Prince Draze gorgeous as always!

Students here in Adamson, call me in my second name, which is Draze. Since... I don't allow anyone, to tawag me in my first name.

"His cousin Prince Riverzus is so handsome too!

Ang laki ng ngiti, ng cousin kong demonyo, when he heard it! While me... Sanay nako sa mga komentong like this, because I usually hear it every day of my life. Hindi sa pagmamayabang, but that's the truth. I just smiled at them, and wave my hand.

"Waahhh Prince Draze smile is so beautiful!

Because of what I heard, I smile even more, but... My ngiti slowly fade away, when I remember what that red hair girl said.

" I hate your smile.

" I hate your smile.

" I hate your smile.

" I hate your smile.

Paulit ulit na nag echo, sa pandinig ko. Damn! No matter what I do, I really can't tanggap it! That's the very first time that someone... Specially a babae say that to me! All the girls here love my smile! Why can't her tsk! Meanwhile, Riverzus did the same thing, and greet everyone, that aming madadaanan, a good morning, after all socializing is our club specialty. The day went on as usual, not until after class. My eyes grew bigger, when I saw her... The beautiful girl with a red hair, suddenly appear.

"Am I dreaming...?

I can't help, but to bulong that to myself. Alot of questions, running in my mind, like what is she doing here? Is she searching for me? Nagsimula akong kabahan, but... At the same time, a part of me is masaya, that I see her again, but then again... Everytime, I remember how I met her, makes me... Makes me scared of her. My heart beat so fast, as she look around. Believe me, sobrang me nataranta, and she makes me so nervous, to the point that... I don't know, if I'm going to yuko my ulo, to hide or not. Pero... In the end, I did cause why not coconut.

I tried to yuko my head, but it's already too late. She saw me. Tumaas ang kilay niya, as she look at me, like she's examining me. Mas lalong kumabog ang heart ko. Damn! I feel like... It's going to come out of my lungs! She smirk. In that moment, I feel like... I'm running out of breath. I feel like... She's killing me in her own way. Buti na lang, nabaling ang atensyon niya sa iba, when one of my girl classmate ask her.

"Who are you Ms...? 

The red hair girl just taray, and didn't answer her. I know it's wrong... That she didn't answer her. But, I find it hot... When she taray like that! Specially the way, tumirik ang eyes niya. My manyakis brain, started to flash some images. Damn! Tirik na tirik ang sun, kung ano anong iniisip ko! I feel like I need a holy water, to sanitize my precious mind! Oh blessed me, virgin me!

Natauhan ako, when my classmates yell at balibag girl.

"Hey! I'm asking you why are you here! Sigaw of my classmate to her, in a sigang manner. This time she answered.

"First of all, You don't yell at me bitch! And lastly... It's none of your fucking business!

She answered, as she bato the scissors, na tumusok in the other side of our classroom. Laglag ang mga panga, and mga nanlaki ang aming mata. All of us are really shock, to what she did. Grabe kasi... Ang pagkakabaon ng scissor eh! Pero... Mas nagulat ang lahat, specially me, when she slowly walk towards me, and the next thing I knew... Is her lips is already on mine! The balibag girl kiss me! Her attitude might be rough, but her lips are not! All I can say is... It's so soft., It's like a lips of an angel! While her unholy tounge... Damn! The way she move it... Is so hot like hell!

"This is Verzine Draze Galaxus. Feeling heaven, with the unholy tounge of this little devil.


I was about to respond to her wild kisses, when the dean of our school came and yell.

"What are you doing! Tirik na tirik ang araw! Creighton and Galaxus to the guidance office now!

But this little devil... Still continue to kiss me, and because of that, our dean walk out angrily.
After a few moments, she stop and playfully laugh. 

"What a lousy kisser. She said, then started to lakad away from me. Huli na ng mag sink in to me, ang sinabi niya. Kaya late reaction na naman ako! Ewan ko ba! Pero pag to her... Natatanga ako! Hindi gumagana ang charm ko sa kanya and... Damn! Need niya ba talaga me insultuhin?!

Like seriously! What the imperyno! Just like that! The fuck! She stole my first kiss and then what..? She just insulted me afterwards! That red hair girl, or should I say that balibag girl! Is so unbelievable! She doesn't know how, maswerte she is to be my first kiss! She should be honored!  Alot of girls wants to kiss me, and be my first kiss! But then... She just stole every girls dream so easily! And shit! It's my fault too! For being so marupok! But I can't help it! 

She's a good kisser! I admit it! I won't tanggi that fact, and I know that I enjoy... And nasarapan naman me sa kiss niya eh!  I just can't accept, what she said to me! She's nakakarami na ahh! That little devil is making me crazy! She's so good at making me mad! At the same time... Fuck! She has her own way to make me crave for more!

I hate to aminin this! But... Damn! I think I'm really attracted to her! The way my body... My body response to everything she does, makes me have some takot for myself, cause what if... What if this feeling gets deeper? What will I do..? There's alot of what ifs running in my mind, and it made realized, how delikado it is to harbor feelings... Whenever I see the Bad Girl's face!  She makes my knees... Feel so weak and makes me nervous, to the point that I need to catch my breath!

I was so lost with my own thoughts, ng kalabitin ako ng katabi ko. I looked at her with a bakit look.

"She kiss you... That girl is she...Your girlfriend..?

She caught me off guard. To be honest, I didn't see that coming, that's why my face become so mapula. I looked away and tried to takpan my mukha.

"Your blushing... I see.

It looks like, she bulong it to herself, but... I heard it. She stand up and go out of our classroom, bibit her gamit.

I can't help, but matulala over and over again, because lately there's alot na nangyayari to me, and its funny to say that, it's all because of that one day.... Which is the day that I met her. She completely changed my life, or should I say... She's messing my world, little by little... But what's really funny is... I don't even want to stop her from doing so.

"Again, this is Verzine Draze Galaxus. Admitting that I am alipin of my special feelings to balibag girl.


The Bad Girl's Slave ( Playful Series#1) COMPLETED✅Where stories live. Discover now