Chapter 40

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"How can you forgive me easily Rye... I don't deserv-" 

"Simply because I love you Verzine." 

He's mouth dropped and eyes glistened as the reflection of the moon lighten up his empty dark eyes. 

"Take note! Not as your best friend." 

I added in a playful manner to lighten the heavy atmosphere, as I remember that time when I confessed to him. He let out a soft laugh and mouthed "Noted." I gave him a small smile. 
Silence enveloped us after that, all I could hear is our breath and the sound of our heart racing while facing each other. He look up at the dark sky, particularly at the Moon before looking straight to my eyes. He look at me with sincere, and eyes full of love. 

"I want to make things right Rye..." 

I look at him with the same intensity and I gasp when he slowly bended his knees. 

"Verzine... What..." 

He caught me off guard. I couldn't finish my words... I couldn't find the right words to say. 
He let out a ring and I quickly recognized it. 


"Yes Rye, the ring I gave on our first monthsarry. I carry it with me... I cherish it all these years like how I cherish my love for you." 

My tears dramatically fall in the corner of my eyes. I didn't expect that he kept it. 

"I want to be part of your life again Rye, but this time... I want to do it in my way. Back then, you bravely crossed the line and courted me to make me yours. Now it's my turn to pursue you, to be deserving of you. I will court you and our daughter, I want us to start over again." 

My heart felt warm because of his words. The broken pieces of my heart is healing just by hearing those words from him. He took a deep breath and look at me with hope in his eyes. 

"Can we start over again Rye..? Can I court you..?" 

Without a second thought, I nod. He smiled at me and stood up to hug me tightly. 

I hug him back as I answered. 

"But in one condition Verzine." 

Bumitaw siya sa pagkakayakap sakin, at tiningnan ako sa nagtatanong na mga mata. 

"Whatever it is, I'll do it."

I smiled. He's eyes is full of determination to win me back, it tickles my healing heart. 

"You have to answer all of my questions honestly."

He gulp and look at me in serious manner. 

"I will Rye. Ask me what you want to know, after all... I want to explain things too." 

"Let's sit down first Verzine. This will be a long  good talk." 

Umupo kami sa may gilid ng pool at inilusong ang mga paa sa tubig. Huminga ako ng malalim bago ko siya simulang tanungin. 

"Did you..." 

I cleared my throat  when my voice broke. He's hand caress my hand and gently grip it, like he's telling me to take it easy. 

"Did you really cheat on me..? As far as I remember you have child with Roxie."  

Halos marinig ko na ang tibok ng puso ko sa lakas ng kabog nito. I'm scared to know the truth... But if we want to start over again, we need to talk about our painful past first. I need explaination, I deserve to know the reason. Huminga siya ng malalim bago sumagot. 

"I didn't Rye... I never cheated on you."

Napasinghap ako sa pagkainis. 

"Please don't lie. If you want to start over again, you have to be honest with me!" 

I said while looking straight at his bloodshot eyes. 

"I'm telling you the truth Rye. I never cheated on you." 

"But I saw you! You kissed her... You kissed her under the rain."  

Nanlaki ang mata niya. Tila hindi inaasahan ang narinig sa akin. D*mn him! I was willing to forgive him but he keep on lying to me! 

"So... You were there, you saw us..." 

I bite my lower lip to stop my sobs. I don't want to cry like a little girl again, especially with the same reason and person. I looked away. I hate feeling this way. Verzine is the only person who can make me feel like a sh*t! Sa sobrang inis ko, akma akong tumayo pero hinuli ni Verzine ang mga kamay ko kaya muli akong napaupo. 

"Please stay and hear me out Rye. I want to explain." 

Pagmamakaawa niya habang ang mga mata'y tila nangugusap. 

"I hope it's not lies." 

Sagot ko bago tumingala para pigilan ang mga nakaabang na luha. 

The Bad Girl's Slave ( Playful Series#1) COMPLETED✅Where stories live. Discover now