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As I exited Louis' room in the hospital. I walked across the hall and in a large entry way. I walked to a desk that had a few ladies sitting behind, some holding folders and looking through papers while the others were sat in front of a computer, typing or reading. I cleared my throat to get the lady in front of me's attention. Thankfully, she noticed me.

"Yes?" She asked through small, squinted ocean blue eyes. The skin held on her face seemed tired as it dragged down a bit. Her eyes looked droopy on the ends of them and light purple bags were held beneath her eyes.

"I'm leaving, but I'll be back. I'm getting clothes for someone." Her eyebrows seemed to etch together a bit as she nodded, looking back down to the computer she was looking at before I came.

"Ah," she said before looking back up at me. "Visiting hours will be over soon," she continued. "You know that, yeah?" It was my time to furrow my eyebrows.

"What?" I asked. "When are visiting hours over?" I looked at her, placing my hands on the desk as I leaned my body into it.

"At seven," she said. "But, on some days, we allow an extra hour or time for a few people." I nodded as she spoke.

"Do you think I could stay another night?" I gave her a look with plead, but with her look, it seemed she wouldn't accept mine.

"I'm sorry," I was about to groan but I knew it wouldn't do any good. "But I can't allow it. Not tonight." I nodded and looked at a clock to the side on a wall. Less than an hour before visiting hours are over.

I looked to her and smiled sheepishly. "It's okay, I'll just bring Louis some clothes and I'll be on my way afterwards." I said and she tilted her head, sending an apologetic smile. I stepped back from the desk, my hands falling to my sides after I waved softly to her. She waved back and I turned my head, diverting down the hall.

I walked outside of the building Louis was being captive in for a while. I turned my head both ways to look around before I started walking to Louis' house.

I was on the block of Louis' house, seeing a blue car parked next to the curb in front of his house. I was confused, yet a little bad feeling was set in the bottom of my stomach. I felt my stomach turn as my throat tightened. As I started to walk up to the door, my fingers seemed to itch for the doorknob, wanting to reveal what was inside.

I didn't know if it was Jay and his little "clique," but I wanted to find out. I knew I was supposed to knock but I just reached for the handle. My hand wrapped around it and I twisted it, surprisingly, it opened. I smiled and sighed in relief as I opened it slowly.

I peeked in, seeing no one in sight. I took that as a good sign, but theirs always the worst when you least expect it. I shut the door behind me, trying to do it as quiet as possible. I then walked to the steps, occasionally glancing around cautiously.

"My gun is missing and so is Louis!" I heard a deep voice shout. My eyes widened and my breath seemed to drag painfully from my lungs at the thought of Louis taking the gun. "Jay, this is serious!" I heard the man shout again.

"I know this is serious! All I'm saying is, we should go see his friends or to his school and ask if he went to school and to his friends house, that's all I think we should do before we began to get upset and only go with what we're thinking, which could maybe be wrong." A woman's voice spoke.

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, or at least make it smaller, which didn't seem to help. Suddenly, a heard of footsteps became louder and I quickly looked up to the top of the stairs, a woman stopping in her tracks as she looked at me with wide eyes, her mouth open. Her hair was dark, falling past her shoulder. She looked scared and worried.

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