Can You Hear Me?

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"Kazuichi I..I do not experience..romantic feelings.."
"Go on"
"To girls.."

Gundham awaited the Judgement. He waited for a
"you're joking right?"
"seriously? I hope you don't like me then."
He held his breath and watched Kazuichis expressions. It went from shocked then to normal.
"Oh shit fr? that's cool dude, hopefully there's some hot dudes on the island for ya" Kazuichi blushed saying that out loud, but none the less smiled up at his friend.
"You're not disgusted?" "Why would I be?" The two began walking again towards their cottages.
"It's just..I was always faced with judgement for my romantic passions from other mortals I've considered allies once i told them." Kazuichi scoffed. "Fuck them then! you're perfect just as you dude" Gundham smiled at this. That's when he realize how good of a moment it'd be too find out if Kazuichi liked men or not. He braced himself for the worse.
"And you fiend?"
"Your preferred romantic partners sex?"
Kazuichi tensed up at this. He looked around a bit before stopping and putting his hands up. "..Just promise to keep your mouth shut dude.."
"You have my word."

"In middle school, I actually dated a guy..It was nice, ended on confusing terms though.."
Gundham was immediately filled with excitement. This means he has a chance right? Kazuichi liked boys! He couldn't stop himself from grinning.
"And..well..I like girls and guys." Kazuichi finished. He was relieved to tell someone and get it off his chest. He didn't have internalized homophobia, but feared what others may think.
Gundhams heart exploded. Of course he couldn't tell Kazuichi he was interested in him just yet. It was only their first day of knowing eachother, but maybe soon.. The two said their goodbyes and returned to their cottages.

Kazuichi went to sleep with worries
Gundham went to sleep with excitement.
but one thing was for sure

they couldn't wait to speak again.
The next morning the class gathered in the dining area. TeruTeru had cooked a grand breakfast for them all. The kids had their fill and chattered among eachother. Kazuichi was with his usual trio, along with Nagito.
Mikan spoke about clues she found on the Island. They discussed escape plans while Nagito spoke about how amazing it is to see them all with Hope. Hope that they could leave.

"Dude..get your friend" Kazuichi said looking at Fuyuhiko. Nagito was hugging himself, his face was red and he was mumbling how hopeful they were. Fuyuhiko grumbled and balled his hands into a fist, bopping Nagito on the head. "shaddup Nagito! let us discuss this!" too Nagitos luck, his hair sheltered the kiss. "My apologies, it's just so good hearing you all speak so hopefully!" As Nagito rambled on. Mikan agreed, hoping to calm him down.

"Ahem! Attention students!"
The chattered died down as Monomi began to speak. Kazuichi noticed where Gundham was sitting. He was with Sonia, Chiaki, and Hajime. He sat next to Sonia with a straight face. The two suddenly made eye contact and Gundham winked at him. Kazuichi smiled awkwardly before looking away.

"Students! I know you're all still not adjusted to your new lives! I've decided to cheer you all up with some fun activities-" Suddenly, Monomi was hit in the head with a spare Microphone.
"Hey! What was that for!" The bunny cried rubbing her head. Monokuma walked up and laughed into the microphone. "One two one two! Can you hear me!?"
"Ahem! I'm sure you all are wondering? who am I..Why am I here? why can't i remember stuff! well She did it!"
He pointed to the rabbit, she gasped. "She stole yer memories! that's all!" Monokuma then walked away laughing to himself. Monomi grabbed the microphone and began blurting out a bunch of excuses.

"Huh..that's weird" Kazuichi said to himself. How was he able to recall that he dated a boy before? He shrugged it off and continued eating. "M-My memories..r-really are gone.." She sulked. She picked at her food and looked up at Kazuichi. "C-Can you remember a-anything?" She asked.
Kazuichi shook his head.
The yakuza shrugged. "All I remember is that I need to get the fuck out of this killing school trip."
"W-We all do.."
The four of them sat the rest of lunch in silence.

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