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He was happy he could make some friends.
And he knew Peko was happy for him aswell.

Hiyoko stood in front of Gundhams cottage, pondering what the hell could be going on inside of there.
She had watched as the mechanic knocked on the door and was instantly led inside by Gundham. She watched the breeder suspiciously looked around and soon enough, shut the door.
"They're up to something aren't they? Those fucking weirdos." Hiyoko huffed and placed her hands on her hips, thinking out loud. "those homos going into the same cottage is weird considering how they don't really talk..I just know they're planning a murder!" She began to walk in the opposite direction looking for someone else to arrive so she could express her concerns. All the while, she couldn't forget how she kept mourning Mahirus death and decided to forget the situation for now. Instead, she made her way towards another area and began to finish her "gift" to Mahiru.

Kazuichi left Gundhams cottage with happiness in his heart. His boyfriend knew exactly how to calm his heart and make him feel better, it was as if like Kazuichi drunk glasses of wine, nothing but the thought of being merry and happy ran through him.
As he approached the diner, he saw Mikan standing there awkwardly, as if she was waiting for someone.
"Mikan! Yo!" Kazuichi ran up to her and grinned. The nurse flashed a smile and hugged her friend, soon pulling off and playing with her hair nervously.
"H-Hey Kazuichi! w-what's u-up?" she asked, clearly attempting to speak in the casual way Kazuichi does.

"Nothin much! I was actually just going to head inside the diner to grab a snack or something like that." He pointed towards the doors. "Do ya need something?"
Mikan shook her head and sighed. "I-Ibuki asked me to wait h1here for h-h-her..b-but it's been 10 m-minutes..I think I may go inside with y-you..j-just to kill time" she smiled. Kazuichi raised an eyebrow confused. Ibuki and Mikan have been hanging out more often, so maybe they're BFFs? If that was the case Kazuichi surely felt betrayed. He shrugged it off and began to make conversation with the nurse as they walked into the diner.
Upon entering, He noticed there was a crowd of his classmates gathered around something, they all seemed equally as shocked.

"I-Ibuki! you were in- EEEK! w-what is t-that!" Mikan screeched upon getting a look pointing at whatever it was. Kazuichi moved Mikan aside to see whatever everyone was freaking about. He just hoped it wasn't a body.
What was there instead of a body, was a sinister looking memorial clearly for the ultimate photographer. Wait..was that an animal head? The more he observed the more Kazuichi looked on in shock. The memorial was creepy and unsettling. Once again, feeling that familiar presence behind him, Kazuichi turned around to see a disgusted Gundham who easily could peer over the students due to his height.

"What is that evil thing!?" Gundham pointed a finger at the memorial and snarled. Sonia rushed over to him and tried to calm him down as he commented on how evil and violating the memorial looked.

"Surely this was the work of Monokuma maybe?" Sonia exclaimed. That's when Hiyoko walked in. Seeing the others gathered around she walked over with a happy look on her face. Hajime began to question her. "Hiyoko do you know who made this creepy shit?" he asked pointing at it. The smile suddenly faded as Hiyoko began to grow extremely defensive.

"N-No fucking way! Gross that's so creepy! poor Mahiru!" She cried tears forming under her eyes.
"What if the memorial was made with good intentions?" Chiaki suddenly asked. The class began to murmur wondering what the intentions of the memorial was.
That's when Hiyoko began to bawl. "Okay! Fine! I made it for Mahiru! All I can do is dance so it looks ass! I'm not the Ultimate Memorial maker or anything!" She cried begging for the forgiveness of her peers.
"Don't worry Saionji!, I think it's very hopeful! We're sorry for the reaction." Nagito stated flashing the girl a calm smile. Immediately Hiyoko stopped crying and gave a smile. "It's okay! I forgive you all except for the ugly nurse!" she snickered. Mikan immediately began to apologize and cry as Hiyoko threw more insults at her.

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