I'll Stay 🍋

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He was back to his small insecure self, even more quiet since his friends death.

Gundham hated it that way.

"Thanks Honey.."
Kazuichi rubbed his eyes, sitting on top of Gundhams bed. The taller boy nodded and handed him the glass of water he had requested previously. It was 2 days after Mikans execution, and it was late at night. Kazuichi had come over because Gundham wished to tell him what Mikan had said to him before the trial, he deserved to know after all.

Kazuichi was still shaken up by the execution. He didn't understand how his close friend could do such a thing, and the words she said to him echoed through his brain. She said she liked seeing him so unhappy..she loved the look of despair on him..But why? Did he do something wrong?
The mechanic buried his face in his hands as Gundham took a seat next to him.
"..I am aware this may not be something you wish to hear at the moment.. but, I must inform you of the words the healer spoke to me outside of the infirmary...before her..demise." Gundham spoke while placing a hand on top of Kazuichis. He squeezed the other boys hand before looking down towards the ground. Guilt overcame his face.

"..Mikan was aware of the fact I shared feelings for you. She believed that I had a crush on you and was informed of this by her..beloved." Gundham cringed saying that. His interaction with Mikan rang through his head, he hadn't noticed that he was crying and shaking from the fear he had hidden for so long.

"She did not know of our link..so do not worry." He continued.

He can't remember the last time he looked so vulnerable in front of Kazuichi like this. He buried his face in his hands and sobbed. Shouldn't it be the other way around? He always comforted and took care of Kazuichi, and he liked it that way.
So why suddenly has it changed?
Why was this happening to him?
Why did the pressure fall onto him?
Why couldn't he just live happily with his boyfriend in peace?

His sobs slowed to a stop as he felt Kazuichi pull him into a tight hug. The mechanic moved Gundhams hands away from his tear filled eyes and slowly began to plant kisses all over his face. He pressed his lips against Gundhams salty tears and kept going, marking his whole face with small pecks.
The gesture made Gundham blush, and he made no effort into hiding it.
He quietly stayed still as Kazuichis kisses slowly came to a stop.

"Gundham..you're so strong ya know? I hate to see ya cry dude..I know your stressed and everything and..hearing what Mikan said..it scares me too. But I know everything is going to be okay. Because I have a very strong boyfriend with me..and I may not be as strong but yknow..you have a strong boyfriend here as well!"

Gundham began to cry harder and hugged Kazuichi tightly. He sobbed into the boys jumpsuit and couldn't help but smiled. He began to thank Kazuichi in between his cries. The comfort Kazuichi just gave him was unexplainable, his heart was surely going to burst.

Gundham didn't want to let Kazuichi go.

The mechanic just smiled and hugged his boyfriend, patting his back lovingly.
"There there ya big dork, cmon you're getting your  snot all over me!" Kazuichi chuckled lifting Gundham off his chest and continuing to kiss all over his face again. The breeder closed his eyes and smiled, feeling so much better thanks to his boyfriends comfort.

He didn't care about how vulnerable he looked.

Not in front of Kazuichi at least.

Gundham grabbed onto Kazuichis hips and interlocked their mouths. This prompted the mechanic to delicately place his hands around Gundhams neck and pull him closer.
The two began to french kiss, the sounds of their breaths and tounges brushing against each other rang through their ears.

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