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"Take him..from you?" Nagito asked his eyes growing wide. The students looked at Kazuichi for clarification.

"I won't let him take the one I love!"
The gasps from the students could be heard across the world. Sonia covered her hand with her mouth and looked over at Gundham. She needed clarification. Everyone did. Chiaki stared towards the ground clenching her fists. It seems as if she speculated everything.
The breeder was shocked. Shocked on how Kazuichi, a well known coward, one who was so fearful and so careful on not being found out, suddenly just didn't care. Kazuichi shocked himself aswell, he immediately looked at his hands in disbelief before shaking his head and continuing.

" know what!..I don't fucking care anymore!" He wiped the tears from his eyes and stared directly into Gundhams soul, The breeder was paralyzed, shock and fear overcame his mortal soul. But also, admiration? A warm blush began to overfill his face as he could see the mechanic silently sobbing in his in his vision which was beginning to get blurry.

"I love you Gundham. I love you so fucking much and I just- I just can't see how you would do this! What about our plans of escaping? What about being together! Why didn't you stay when I asked you too..I asked you to just stay with me, to stay alive but you didn't! You just left!" Kazuichi yelled as his face began to turn red. Warm tears began to spill out of Gundhams eyes and he didn't even bother to hide them. He was overcome with grief and despair. All their promises, they were all just gone. Was this a mistake? Now he's never see the boy he loved again.

"Don't you know your everything I have Gundam!?" Kazuichi yelled through tears. His voice was shaky and cracked every now and then. Gundham clenched his fists and covered his face, shaking from built rage and hopelessness. He was angry, he was angry that Kazuichi just couldn't understand why he did this.
"I did it to save you. I did it to save them..I would rather die then see you perish Kazuichi..I swear to the Gods."
Kazuichi stared at the ground with sad eye. He knew couldn't blame Gundham. The boy had saved his life, and put himself and Nekomaru before the others. Without the sacrifice, they all would've perished under the bears hands. He buried his face in his beanie and began to wipe his tears with the fabric.

"I just need you..I just need you to stay here..I don't wanna see you die."

"And I need you just as badly, I wanted to give myself to you because I knew that i'd perish.."

"Well that makes two of us heh..didn't I just break one of Monokumas rules..?"

The realization hit Gundham and he frowned before glancing at Monokuma, the bear happily spun around and caught everyone's attention by clapping.
"Okay kiddos! I'm preeeetty sure you're all confused on this terrible, horrible, despair inducing heartbreak story aren't'cha? So let's start from the beginning shall we?"
The monitor behind Monokuma suddenly lit up, revealing pixel sprites of both Kazuichi and Gundham. The class watched as the monitor showed the pixel sprites hitting each other at first.

"As we all know! The little mechanic here was in LOVEEEE with the princess!"
A pixel sprite of Sonia suddenly showed up.
"But the princess was head over heels with the handsome goth boy!"
Sonia's pixel sprite ran over to Gundham with heart eyes.
"But the handsome goth boy actually liked the greasy mechanic!!"
Monokuma continued to explain to the class Kazuichi and Gundhams love story, much to both of the boys embarrassment. He ended by repeating the rules which he had told them beforehand but then informed Kazuichi of the deal Gundham had proposed. This just made Kazuichi feel even more guilty.

"So basically! Thanks to your boyfriend your not gonna die..yet!" The bear began to laugh maniacally before telling the students to continue with the trial.
It was quiet. No one dared to speak. both Gundham and Kazuichi were filled with fear and anxiety. They looked at each other, waiting for their classmates reactions.
It was quiet for a moment, before Chiaki spoke up.
"Hey..I don't judge either of you..I am..the same" the gamer shyly muttered. She placed a hand on her chest and glanced at everyone before continuing.
"Your sexualities or who you like.. is none of our businesses..I also..really like someone who happens to be the same gender as me.." Chiaki began to blush and smile while saying that. Gundham smiled at her, nodding in approval of her words. Hajime, Akane, and Sonia nodded in agreement. Offering words of comfort and support.

"Yeah. And just because you fuck dudes doesn't make you any less of my bro" Fuyuhiko flashed a smirk at Kazuichi. The mechanic stared at him in awe before bawling out of happiness.
"Man for an intimidating dude you're so sweet Fuyu!"
"S-shut up! and don't fucking call me that!"
"I think Monokumas just homophobic.." Akane muttered shooting the bear a death glance.
"Eh!? Me!? No way! regardless of whatever gender of people  you stupid kids wanna fuck, you all deserve to fall into despair! Pu-hu-hu!"
The students began to express their support for Kazuichi and Gundham, comforting the two and expressing how they aren't disgusted with them.
It felt like a dream come true. But it wasn't long before the trial would come to an end, and the inevitable would happen.
"Alright kiddos! It's time to cast your votes!"
Reluctantly, the class cast their votes. And in the end, The Ultimate breeder was to be executed.

Though, Kazuichi had voted for himself. A horrible attempt at trying to save his boyfriend.
It wasn't like Gundham was going out sad. He had his classmates support, and him and his boyfriend were able to give last words inside of the waiting room.
The class watched in silence as Gundam made his way to the waiting room, Kazuichi reluctantly following behind.

The waiting room was cool and had heavy atmosphere. Just walking into it gave Kazuichi the chills. It was intimidating, cartoon versions of Monokuma dying in different ways adorned the walls. He shuddered thinking about how Teruteru, Peko, and Mikan must've felt inside. But now, Gundham was in here waiting for his death. He glanced at the timer, they would have 5 minutes to share their final words with each other. The countdown began to start

"I don't want you to go.."
"My paramour.."
The two stared at each other before breaking out into tears and grabbing onto each other in a tight hug. Kazuichi dug his nails into the cold fabric of Gundhams coat while Gundhams hands clutched onto his beanie and into his pink hair. Gundham pulled The boys head back and kissed him, slipping his tongue in to absorb every flavor of Kazuichi. He wanted this moment to last, he wanted to stay like that forever with Kazuichi. But with limited time, he knew he couldn't.
Their warm salty tears escaped inside each other's mouths, and only when the two absolutely needed too did they break away from the passionate kiss.

Gundham stared at Kazuichi in the eyes before sliding one of his many rings off of his fingers. He grabbed onto Kazuichis hand and kissed his knuckles. Taking the ring in between two fingers, he slipped it onto Kazuichis ring finger. He then kissed the ring before speaking.

"My dear, When I first laid eyes on you, I thought you were absolutely beautiful. Your face alone made me attracted to you. It was obvious you were aiming to get onto the princesses good side. Therefore, I attempted to step in between that. If the day came that you two got together, I surely would've fallen into the pits of despair.
I loathe the fact that you thought I wanted her..because, I only wanted you."
He glanced at the timer. He grabbed onto Kazuichis waist and began to slowly dance with him before continuing.

"Kazuichi, Thank you for confessing your love to me. Thank you for everything. You truly are an angel, an angel made just for the dark ruler of hell. You've warmed my cold heart, and no one else has done that for me, and never will. I love you my dark prince, until the day comes that I shall see you again, you will continue to shine in my heart.
Kazuichi..I love you"

"Let's give it everything we've got!"

The tears rolling down Kazuichis face and the snot that began to drip down his nose made him look like a baby who couldn't get what he wanted. He was speechless and stared down at the ring before looking up at Gundham and crying again. Gundham chuckled and wiped the boys tears. He removed his scarf and wrapped it around Kazuichis neck.
He put his hands onto the boys cheeks and kissed his forehead.

"It's punishment time!"

"I love you, my dark consort.."

"NO..No No No NoNo..NO! don't go don't go don't go don't go! I love you Gundham!"

He watched as a chain collar wrapped around Gundhams neck, dragging him out of the waiting room.

The scream that erupted from Kazuichis throat could be heard around the world.

1574 words

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