A Time to Ourselves

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The dark overlord let out a joyful laugh, prompting his prince to look at him in astonishment, all the while a red tint spreading across his face.
at 12:00 sharp, much to Kazuichis annoyance, Gundham made his way down to the beach. His Devas were awake and sat on top of his shoulders and inside of his scarf. They rubbed their warm heads against Gundham, calming the anxious boy.
It was obvious why Sonia had called him here, especially because Chiaki had told him beforehand.

The gamer did not want to see Sonia hurt, she desperately attempted to tell Sonia she didn't see Gundham show her any romantic feelings back, but that just prompted Sonia to confess and get the rejection over with. But not only that, the princess was obviously stubborn. She believed Gundham had loved her just as much as she loved him, but that wasn't the case.

Gundham had already devoted his heart to another. And to even imagine Sonia's face if she found out it was the very same man she showed no interest in, made Gundham smirk a little. But of course in the end, he still felt guilty. He was mainly worried on how Sonia would face the rejection, knowing her and how dramatic she can be, she'd probably run away in tears.
Upon approaching the beach, Gundham noticed Chiaki sitting on a rock, not far from the meeting place Sonia had decided on. The gamer looked towards the sky and reached her arm out, the palm of her hand outstretched like she was holding onto something. It was as if she was reaching for the stars, reaching high enough just to brush the tip of her fingers across. He watched curiously as she brought her arm down and looked around before taking out her MonoMonomi Switch and fiddling away with the game.

Gundham thought of approaching her, but he ended up just staying in the spot Sonia wanted him to stay in. Was it a good idea coming here? He didn't want to stand her up but, Kazuichi really did not want him to go. Gundham sighed and decided he'd make it up to the boy later, as he'd rather not upset a princess. He patiently stroked one of his devas as the sound of heels digging into sand faded in behind him. He took one last look at Chiaki who was staring directly at him, offering a sad smile before Gundham turned around to face the princess.

Sonia blushed madly and tucked a hair behind her ear. Her face was tinted pink and she stared at her shoes, not bothering to make eye contact.
"Gundham.." She started.
"What did you wish to speak about Sonia?" Gundham asked getting straight to the point. He just needed to get this over with so he could get back to Kazuichi. Sonia began to ramble on and reminisce on their time together, of course, Gundham didn't pay attention. He knew why he was here, to reject the princess and return to his secret affair. He looked over the blondie to see a tint of pink hair. Holding himself back from gasping, he noticed Kazuichi, walking past the beach. Kazuichi shot him a look of jealousy, looking across from Sonia and him.

"And what i'm trying to say..Is that i have fallen for you Gundham.." Sonia finished hiding her face behind her hands. She eagerly looked up at Gundham, waiting for a response.

Gundham sighed and hid his face with his scarf, hiding the frown on his face.
"..I'm sorry Sonia.."
Upon hearing those words, tears began to fall out of Sonia's eyes. She quickly wiped them away and smiled at Gundham.

"Do not worry..I just wanted to get these feelings off my chest Gundham.."

"Princess..you're crying.."

Sonia wiped another tear away and took a breath.
"It is true i am sad about the rejection, but, These tears are from finally letting go of the weight on my chest.." She once again offered him a smile.
"I am not too upset because Chiaki had told me she noticed you not showing back any feelings ..I just wanted to tell you how i felt because it was still lingering you know? I am just as happy as your companion Gundham" She said with no hesitation. Showing the honesty in her voice. Gundham nodded and thanked Sonia for understanding. He was truthfully happy to have a friend like her, for her to be so understanding and not flip out.

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