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Taking one last look with tear filled eyes, he spoke.

"I'm sorry..my dark prince."
He wasn't awake.
He couldn't feel any pain, which was important.
The devas had successfully pressed his shut off button, leaving the robot to silently snore, unaware of what was about to happen. But at the same time he knew, he agreed to it after all.

A small hand rested upon Gundhams thigh. It had been a reasonably quiet day, and he was sitting in solitude behind a secluded tree. In his lap, a book of spells and the occult was opened, the pages fluttering along with the calm breeze. Gundham was curious as to who found him, and why they approached him when he was clearly busy. He looked up to see a familiar pink haired male whom he immediately embraced with a long hug. Once they pulled away, the other male took a seat by him.
"Whatcha got there?" The male asked, sitting besides Gundham. The breeder held out the book which the other male excitedly took and began to inspect. Upon realizing what it was, he fearfully handed it back to Gundham.
"Maybe you're the Ultimate Occultist or something.." He muttered resting his head on Gundhams shoulder.
"Perhaps so."

And just like that, Nekomaru was dead. Gundham had successfully dropped him from a long height and he fell down and shattered apart into pieces with a bang, alerting the other students. Gundham regretfully made his way down where Nekomarus body was. He knew he would get executed, but more importantly, he knew him and Kazuichi would be exposed, which is why he made his way towards where the black and white bear resided in case any students required his assistance.

"would you stop screaming!?"
Kazuichi shot an angry look at his boyfriend and backed away from the large cow he was standing in front of. While trying to pet the cow, she licked his hand and as a result he had gotten frightened. Gundham rolled his eyes and made his way towards Kazuichi.
"She hasn't even harmed you my consort! Why must you cause such a disturbance.."
"I was scared! Jeez i'm sorry!" Kazuichi whined wiping his hand onto his jumpsuit. Gundham sighed and returned to where he was before, feeding a couple of chickens who were happily running about. Kazuichi appeared next to him and smiled as a chicken went up to him and began to peck at his leg gently. He rubbed his hand onto the chickens belly, playfully petting him.
"See! The chickens like me! They're my favorite out of all your farm animals." he smiled and took some seeds from Gundhams to feed the chicken. Gundham chuckled.
"I assume that my birds of death has discovered you're similar to them."
"Huh? whaddya mean?"
"You're a chicken Kazuichi."
The mechanic pouted and stuck his tounge out at the breeder before focusing his attention back on the chicken. Gundham smiled and continued feeding them aswell.

"Bing Bing Bing Bing!
A Body has been discovered!"

"So! Ya want me to keep quiet?"
Gundham nodded. Monokuma began to giggle but by the looks of it, he was considering abiding by Gundhams suggestion. Finally he nodded at Gundham.
"Pu-hu-hu! Fine! But take it as thanks from me to you for finally getting this killing game back on a roll! The despair your boyfriend will feel is gonna be off the charts! Now here's your red bean paste bread and milk!" The bear screeched while performing a happy dance and giving the breeder his food. Gundham cringed at the sight and left while eating the bread. As the sweet red bean paste melted in his mouth, he knew he had to tell Kazuichi what he had done. He knew Kazuichi wouldn't like it, but he didn't want him to flip out during the trial and convince the others it wasn't him.

"Ohhh~ Even the Overlord of Ice gets down and dirty doesn't he?"
Gundham playfully scoffed and pulled the covers over them both. They were both naked, cuddling each other in the darkness. Kazuichi continued to tease Gundham after their intimacy because of Gundhams sudden dominance that always overcame him. Though Gundham could say the same thing for his partners submissive nature. While Kazuichi could get dominant, he mainly stayed obedient, awaiting Gundhams commands.
"That is something only my companion will know."
"A special secret just for me?"
"I suppose so, my dearest~"

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