skater girl

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in which...

after ricky takes the time to learn guitar for nini, it's now her turn to do something he loves

"so" nini plopped on ricky's bed right next to him "what's the plan for tonight? movie? dinner?"

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"so" nini plopped on ricky's bed right next to him "what's the plan for tonight? movie? dinner?"

ricky's lips formed into a grin. a grin that only came when he was about to talk nini into doing something she wouldn't want to.

nini rolled her eyes playfully with a sigh "what is it this time richard"

"well i was thinking—"

"that never goes well" she joked and ricky chuckled before softly hitting her with a pillow, earning a giggle from the girl "continue" she told him, continuing to giggle

"i want to teach you how to skateboard" he rushed out

"no way i'm getting on that death trap ricky" nini shook her head

"i let you teach me how to play guitar!" ricky tried to reason "i'm literally doing lessons with you every other weekend!"

"the guitar isn't dangerous ricky! you can't fall off the guitar" she responded
"i have a performance in a few days. i can't get up there with scratches all over me"

"you know i won't let you fall nini. not on the ground at least" he sighed "please, i think it'd be good for us to explore each others interests" he looked at her with pleading eyes.

nini sighed knowing that there's no way she could say no to him. especially when he looked at her with those eyes and it was so obviously something that he really wanted.

"okay fine, but if i feel one scratch we're coming back here and watching movies until we fall asleep"

"deal" ricky smiled excitingly before planting a quick kiss on her cheek.


"ricky" nini whined "you suggested that i learn how to skateboard and didn't have any knee pads"

ricky chuckled "you'll be fine, i promise. i'll be right here next to you every step of the way" he smiled before lightly tapping her helmet "and you look adorable in my helmet"

"yeah, it's halfway covering my eyes" nini said adjusting the helmet that was so obviously too big for her.

"here" ricky said adjusting the helmet so that it was a comfortable fit even though it was way too big for the girl. "there you go" the boy small before placing a quick kiss on the girls lips.

nini's frown then turned into a small smile. seeing ricky smile the way he did made her heart warm.

the way the littlest things like this made him so happy made her all the more willing to take the risk.

nini took a breath before stepping onto the skateboard.

"woah" the girl accidentally shifted her weight backwards but ricky caught her before she had the chance to fall.

"i've got ya" he smiled as he held her hand while she stood on the skateboard. he helped her adjust her feet so that they were aligned the way they were supposed to be. "keep your feet there"

the girl nodded, taking a deep breath in and out.

"we're just gonna start rolling forward now" ricky told the girl keeping one hand in hers, and the other planted on her back as he walked forward, taking her along with him.

"hey the wind kinda feels nice going against me" she smiled and ricky chuckled lightly

"you're doing great nini" he told her

"let go" she told him


"let go" she repeated

"are you sure nini—"

"ricky let go!"

the boy did as told and left go, as he watched her roll forward on her own

"i'm doing it ricky! i'm skateboarding" she told him excitedly

the boy smiled as he watched the girl proudly. taking in this moment while he had it.

eventually the momentum that nini had winded down and the skateboard began to slow down.

ricky ran to over to the girl who held a smile on her face

"that was so fun. let's do it again"

the two stayed for a few hours, ricky teaching the girl new skills as she became more comfortable.

"alright, we should probably head back. it's getting late" the boy said, helping the girl off the skateboard

"wait! i wanna try one more thing" nini said trying to step back on the skateboard, but she lost her balance falling right on top of ricky.

the two laid face to face on the ground, breathing heavily but somehow in sync

"i told you i wouldn't let you fall on the ground" ricky chuckled, lost in nini's eyes

"yeah, you kept your promise" the girl smiled.

unsure of what to say the two breathlessly states into each others eyes.

that is until nini made the move to connect her lips with his.

almost as a thank you for cushioning her fall, but mostly because she wanted to. she wanted to somehow feel closer to him.

ricky placed his hand on the back of her hair somehow pulling her closer to him than she already was

"we should uh—we should get back" nini breathed out breathlessly

"yeah we should" ricky agreed but none of them made a move to get up, too captured in each others eyes to even care.

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