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a/n this chapter is a bit longer because...you know... Marcanne


Marcy and Yunan followed the path almost without resting, they just slept a few hours till the morning.

Marcy had been believing the whole time that they were doing the right thing. They couldn't stop thinking of the ghost.

But finally, in the morning, they and Yunan spotted the end of the swamp, the trees became less dense.

-Look, there's a village.- Yunan comments with a surprised tone of voice. Marcy chuckles for the happiness. They were right!

-Come on, let's...go...- They say but they stop all of sudden when they hear a familiar voice.

-MARCY!!- Someone's calling them. And not just "someone." It's Anne. Marcy raises their head just in time to see Anne jumping against them, hugging them tight.

They both fall behind in the grass, Anne laughs loudly. Marcy doesn't understand well what's happening but they feel the grass behind their back and Anne's arms hugging their waists.

They try to seat down and hug Anne back.

-You're fucking here!- Anne laughs again and whispers into Marcy's ears, making them laugh loud too.

Marcy caresses Anne's shoulders, presses their forehead against Anne's. Their faces are so close. Anne's smile is brighter than the sun.

-I missed you so much!- Anne says, grabbing both of Marcy's hands and leaning her head on Marcy's shoulders.

-I...I missed you, too.- Marcy whispers, surprised. Anne is shining of the blue light, their entwined fingers are lighted by Anne's blue Power.  

Marcy feels a strange sensation, something they have never felt before. Like, their tummy is full of something, flying. Like...like butterflies. They clear their throat nervously.

Anne stares at their eyes, worried, she frowns.

-Are you ok Mar Mar? Ugh, sorry, I know you don't like physical touch...I just wanted to hug you.- Anne says, awkward, but she doesn't move her gaze away. Marcy blushes too, they feel their cheeks on fire.

-No, don't worry. I mean! Yes, I'm fine. Sorry, I'm so confused right now...- Marcy mutters, stops to chuckle in a nervous way. Anne laughs with her, she seems not noticing the chokehold that her hands wrapped around Marcy's have.

-I'm so happy to see you! Oh my God... I'm so sorry for dragging y'all in this situation!!- Anne says, holds back a sob. Marcy can't stand seeing her cry so they do something they've never done before: they leave Anne's hand to place their palms on her cheeks.

With their thumbs Marcy dries off the tears into Anne's eyes, softly.

-Hey, hey, it's not your fault ok? It was Andrias'.- Marcy says in a breath, talking low. Anne flinches, looks back at them.

-Wait, you know about...?- She doesn't end the question but Marcy nods. Anne seems remembering something all of sudden, she gasps and stands up.

Anne grabs again Marcy's hands making a storm of butterflies twisting their tummy.

-I have to tell you thousandth things, ok?? I met someone and it was crazy and I didn't have time to think and I need your smart brain helping me, Mar Mar!!- Anne says talking fast, Marcy barely understands what she's saying.

Geez, they're too focused on the minimal gap between her and Anne who's still talking excited.

-There, I introduce you to my friends!!- Marcy understands only these last words and they nod, confused.

-...ok?- They whisper, turning their head behind to glance at Yunan. The newt seems as confused as Marcy, actually.

-Well I guess we arrived in Wartwood, right?- Yunan asks, makes a step ahead. Anne nods to answer her, grabs tighter Marcy's hands.

-You're gonna love this place! I arrived here yesterday but all looks so nice.- She says with a huge smile, then she closes the gap between her and Marcy, whispering something in their ear.

-Well, frogs still have to get used to us human.- Marcy chuckles.

-Anne, that's crazy, you know right?- They say with an embarrassed smile. It looks like Anne is about to say something else but a frog interrupts her. A little, bright pink frog with a huge smile.

-Nice to meet you human friend of Anne! You scared us.- He says and jumps in front of Marcy. Marcy flinches but looks down at him, interested. They feel the need to study that little creature.

-This is Sprig, Marcy. Sprig, they're Marcy. Oh, and behind there are Hop Pop, Jelly and the villagers.- Anne explains, pointing the little crowd of frog still waiting for them to come closer.

Marcy can barely see the frogs, their eyes are attracted by Anne's fingers over theirs. Marcy clears their throat, nervous. They know they have to say something but somehow they can't even think of it.

-Hello there, frogs!!- Yunan makes another step closer to the crowd and shouts to be heard by everyone. Marcy takes a comforted breath. Yunan has everything under control, they hope.

-She's Yunan.- Marcy whispers to Anne and they both chuckle, without a clear reason, but they feel so happy. There hasn't to be a reason to laugh.

Anne smiles another time, gently push Marcy to the village.

-Come on Mar Mar! We have to do a tour of the village!!- Marcy laughs because Anne is way too excited, she's so bright and sunny and cool and Marcy can't help but nod at every word of her.

-...yeah, right.- They say in a breath.

The frogs guide Marcy (and Anne who's still holding their hands) and Yunan inside the village. Hop Pop explains briefly the situation to Marcy and Yunan, the newt frowns when she hears about the monster.

Marcy, instead, can't breathe. They turn to Anne, looking at her with their eyes wide opened.

-What? You have to kill a monster? How? And why you?- They ask, worried. Anne blushes even more, tries to avoid a clear answer. Marcy makes a step closer, leave her hands for a second to hold gently her shoulders.

-Anna Banana please explain to me!- They say, peremptory, and Anne surrenders with a sigh.

-Ok, ok, Mar Mar. You know... Andrias trapped me when I arrived here. And Sprig, Jelly and those villagers here decided to free me but with a cost: I have to help them with the LandCrusher... it's no big deal, I think.- Marcy can't believe Anne. They're shocked.

-No big deal?? You don't even know how the fuck to use your Power! You got it a few days ago, damnit! How could you even think of it??- Marcy curses, they don't know why they're so fucking mad but they are.

She just found Anne again and she has no intention to let her go, or to lose her. No, they're made to be together, Marcy knows it. And they won't lose Anne without fighting.

-I'm gonna help you.- Marcy says, determinated, and holds again Anne's hands. The girl flinches, looks at her frightened.

-What?? No. It's too dangerous. You don't have any Power, Mar Mar. I won't put you in danger.- She says, sharp, but Marcy doesn't surrender. They clench their jaw, stare challenging at Anne.

-Well, I'm a genius, don't forget that. And Yunan here is a warrior. We're gonna help you, I don't give a fuck about what you think or say, ok??- Anne flinches again, surprised.

-Mar Mar! Language!- She bursts out, nervous. Then, they exchange a brief gaze before bursting out laughing. Anne hugs Marcy before they can pull themselves behind.

-Thanks to be here, Mar Mar.- Anne sobs in their shoulders, her curly hair sinks into Marcy's dirty hoodie.

Marcy gently holds them, caressing her neck, her hair, for a second they close their eyes. It's just them two and the fucking butterflies in Marcy's stomach.

a/n thanks for the reading^^ as I said before I'm posting once a week because of school pressure😶
There will be A LOT of marcanne content so wait for it :33

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