Moon Of Victory

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a/n: I warn you: I don't like this chapter nor the final one 💀
i know it's not the best way to start a chapter but anyways
that's it


Miles guides her inside the castle, up to the throne room again. His gaze rests on the cut cave on the room, just for a second. He says nothing but points a little pillar at the centre of the room.

Anne didn't notice it untile now. She walks closer and notices a carillon on the top of it. Frogs and gems are carved on the sides.

Anne caresses the top of the box, feeling the smooth wood under her fingers. She makes a smile.

-Is this the Calamity Box?- She asks. Miles nods and stops near her.

-Andrias used this to send the Power to you and you can use this to return home.- He explains. Anne feels her heart beating faster. They're so close to the end of their story.

-Thank you so much, Miles. And... I'm sorry for what happend to you and your friends.- Anne says, glad. Miles shrugs.

-It's fine...I guess. I'll stay here. The Human Realm it's not my material.- He makes Anne a sad smile. -I'll help Alpha with everything she'll need. I'm not good with child but...I have to.- Anne nods.

-I know.- She murmurs as she takes the music box. In the exact moment she raises it from the pillar, the entire castle starts swinging and trembling.

-We're falling. Don't worry, follow me!- Miles says as he grabs Anne's shoulder. They run out the throne room, Anne holds tight the music box.

Around them the castle starts crushing down and falling into pieces, the floor rumbles and rocks fall from the roof.

-This is one of the most exciting thing I've ever done in all my life!- Anne screams, excited, running behind Miles inside the falling castle. The gravity's strange, the girl feels light and she can jump much further and higher than the usual.

Miles gifts her with a little smile, behind his eyes passes an almost affectionate light. He guides the curly haired girl inside a secondary room, presses a botton on the wall and a metallic door opens.

Anne runs inside behind him and they both come close to a robot. It's like as all the others, dark grey and black, with two long arms that look like tentacles with pawns at the end.

Miles plays with his joystick and the robot opens both his metallic eyes, blinking in Anne's direction. Anne makes a nervous smile but the rounded head of the robot is almost funny.

-Come on Anne!- Miles exclaims out loud, the rumbles around them are too loud, the rocks crash to the already broken floor making a strong noise.

Anne climbs the back of the robot that slightly bends down to help her. She grabs its neck and head with one hand, she offers the other to Miles. The man makes a little effort to climb behind her but he seats on the robot's back.

Anne smirks when the robot's engines light up and the robot jumps from the floor.

-YEAHH!!- Anne yells, grabbing tighter the music box and Miles' hand. The robot flies through a veil of dirt and goes up, breaking the roof with a laser before flying in the free sky.

Anne's amazed, she looks down to see the entire castle crushing down, losing pieces all around, and bending to the sea before disappearing inside the deepest water. The sea trembles and mumbles and a great wave rises from the surface, embracing the walls of Newtopia.

Miles taps on Anne's shoulders to make her turn her head and look behind. The curly haired girl raises her brows, surprised, but her lips are stuck in a smile.

-Look! Your friends!- Miles says, pointing down inside the city. Anne narrows her eyes to look through clouds and she sees Joe Sparrow, a green light and a red light that are Marcy and Sasha. Down, in Newtopia, the roads are full of newts and joy, the robots are all silent and immobile. Even the toads have decided that tonight was a party night. Nobody wants to fight anymore.

Anne fells so good, flying high, close to the stars. She smiles and lets the light of the moon lighten her up, she feel the Blue Power flowing in her veins.

-See ya, Miles!- She screams and she jumps off the robot, letting herself fall between the clouds, the wind is caressing her skin and rubbing her hair. She closes her eyes and keeps falling, feeling finally free.

a/n before y'all start throwing potatoes at me: of course there's absolutely no double meaning behind this ending lmao
idk it just seemed cool in my head, anne flying down like an anime character (imagine kpop playing in the background)

also school is making me dumb sorry
see ya soon (i hope) for the final chapter 🙂

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