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a/n gay drama


Marcy hopes they just misunderstood Anne's behaviour. Anne looked like...strange. Distracted, vague. Marcy sighs, Anne left them alone and now the only thing they can do is to turn behind and search for Jelly, or Hop Pop or even Sasha. 

Marcy takes a deep breath. Maybe it's time for them to talk face to face and resolve their problems once for all. So Marcy walks inside the crowd and tries to not look at anyone. They can't remember a name and this is so embarrassing when everyone knows you and greets you with respect. 

Marcy spots Sasha aside from the crowd, sitting near the fountain and they walk close to her. They're about to call her when a voice distracts them.

-Marcy!- Jelly waves in their direction and runs close to them. 

-We placed the spider webs and the ties in all single trees!- The little newt says with a huge smile. Marcy smiles back, nervous, they glance fast behind to see if Sasha is still there. 

-That's great, Jelly! Now we have just to wait for the LandCrusher. Are the frog in position?- They ask. They give another glance to Sasha. 

-Of course they are! And also the toads have surrounded the wood and they're armed. The LandCrusher has no hope to survive, ma'am!- Jelly says, satisfied because they both worked all the evening to place every single tie and spider web and the work is simply perfect. Marcy is about to answer when they gasp: Anne has come and she seats down near Sasha. 

-Oh...well, that's great!- Marcy makes to Jelly a last, tense smile. 

-Now I have to go! See ya later, bye!- They add, fast, before sneaking inside the crowd and walking to the fountain. Sadly, when they arrive Anne and Sasha aren't there anymore. Marcy groans and looks around them. They can't be too far. 

Marcy moves away from the fountain and walks around the square but they have lost Anne and Sasha. 

-Damnit!- They curse in a low voice. They're still talking when their untied shoes play a dirty trick on them: Marcy steps on a tie and slips ahead, falling on the ground. They roll against some wodden boxes and hurt the wall for the violence of the fall. 

-Ow!- They comment, rubbing the back of their head when they hit the wall. 

-...we should have talked about it, first!- A voice makes them freeze. They slowly raise their gaze and see a window above her head. Sasha talks after Anne. 

-What? Talked about it? What should I have said, Anne?- Marcy doesn't know what they're talking about but they don't move. They should go away and let them have their own problems but something is telling them to stay. 

-I don't know, maybe you should have said to me that you like me!- Marcy presses their back to the wall. What? Anne didn't know that Sasha has a crush on her since kindergarden? Marcy holds their breath, they don't want to be caught while listening to a private conversation. 

-Well, don't lie to me, Anne, you'd refuse me! Come on, I couldn't come and say "oh Anne I think I like you."- Sasha complains, Marcy hears Anne snorting disappointed. 

-No, that's not true...- Her defense is weak, her voice is trembling. 

-Anne, come on, we both know you like Marcy.- Marcy almost jumps up for the happiness, the shock, the confusion. ANNE LIKES THEM? They have to make a great effort to stay silent and quiet down that window. Please, Anne, say yes, say you like me...Marcy finds themselves hoping. 

-...y-yeah, that's true...- Marcy exults. ANNE LIKES THEM! Anne goes on talking. 

-But...if you knew that, why you kissed me?- Marcy feels all the happiness fading in less than a heartbeat. What did they just hear? They look far ahead them, feeling empty. No, that's not true. Sasha kissed Anne? And Anne didn't tell them? Marcy looks up. 

-Because I like you! And I wanted to kiss you. And don't lie, you liked it!- Sasha says. 

-Sasha, come on! You know it's way more complicated than this! We should be focused on our mission...- Marcy can't listen to them anymore. They stand up, mad, astonished, and look inside the window. 

-You two kissed?- They say, aggressive, grabbing the window sill. Inside, both Sasha and Anne gasp when they turn behind to Marcy. Anne wide opens her eyes. 

-Marcy? What the hell you were doing there?- She says, shocked. Marcy shakes their head, they don't think this is the worst problem. 

-And you, Why didn't you talk to me about the kiss? You forgot about that?- Marcy asks, sceptical and aggressive. They're hurt. 

-No, of course I didn't forget! I was just trying to guess what's the best thing to do! Sorry if I can't always have the right solution for everything!- Anne bursts out, even madder than Marcy, she makes a step ahead to be closer to the window. 

-I didn't tell you because I didn't want to break your heart! And I didn't push away Sasha because I didn't want to break her heart, too! I'm sorry I can't do everything perfect, every time!- She almost shouts. Marcy doesn't let her impress them. 

-Oh, really? You know me, Anne! you know it hurts more, for me, to be left behind than to be informed! You should have said that!- They say. 

-No, that's not true! I can't always know what is gonna happen and how I have to behave! I'm not perfect!- Anne now shouts all her nervousness out loud. Marcy gasps and makes a sudden step behind when Anne's hands lighten up of the blue light. Anne punches the wall on her left and it explodes in a rumble of stone crumbles. Marcy presses their hands over their ears, making another step behind when part of the roof falls on the ground, smashing. 

Anne stays still, she slowly lows her hand. Her gaze is stuck on the ruins. 

-I...I'm sorry.- She sobs. 

-I did it again! I'm a monster!- She cries out loud and before Sasha can stop her, she jumps out of what remains of the house and runs away, directed to the swamp.

Marcy blinks a few times, clenches their jaw. After less than a second, they run behind Anne. 

a/n stuff is slowly getting interesting
i hope, at least
thanks for the reads, froggies :)

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