Chapter 15

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Hey guys! I promised a chapter by Friday and it's Wednesday, guess who's proud? I really wanted to post this chapter as quick as I could so hope you guys like it. Oh and make sure to look at Jazzy and Lia's outfits! I think this is by far one of my favorite chapters, had so much fun writing it! But anyways...

Happy reading!


It's now late in the afternoon and we've decided to leave. We were planning on getting something to eat and then think of something else along the way.

I really didn't want to go and with the pout on Jazzy's face, neither did she. Although it would be great to stay here all night, we haven't ate all day and our fingers began rickling like dried prunes.

I could definitely use the freshening up at the moment anyways.

When we arrived back at the beach house, it was around 7:30 p.m. If Jazzy and I could get ready in time, we'd be heading out in about an hour.

Jazzy and I raced to the bathroom and being the dumb klutz I am, I tripped on the little springy thing sticking out at the bottom of the wall.

"Haha" Jazzy pocked out her head from the bathroom door and stuck her tongue out at me.

Such a great friend she is. I rolled my eyes getting up and pinched her tongue.

She whimpered struggling to get out of my hold. I cracked up at how much she looked like a little baby at the moment.

"What are you guys doing?" Chris and Jordan approached us with amused faces and raised eyebrows.

I glanced at them for only a moment and the little brat bit my finger. "Ow" I quickly removed it and she slamed the door shut.

"Thanks  JJ!" I mean mugged him. "I'm using your bathroom" I pushed passed them and jogged to the other restroom down the hall before he could protest.

I took my time to soap off all the fish pee and whale sperm off my body and hair. Did you know that only about 10% of whale sperm actually goes into it's mate? So the other 90% is just freely floating around in the ocean.

No wonder why the water is so salty.

After my shower, I towel dried my curls and poked my head out the door, making sure that the coast was clear.

Wouldn't want anyone to catch a glimpse of the goodies, right?

I sprinted across the hall and entered the room that I would be sleeping in for the next two days.

Just before I dropped my towel, there was movement coming from the closet. My head immediately shot to the direction of it to see Jazzy casually walking out, humming with her outfit in hand.

"What the hell Jazzy?" I shrieked.

"Sorry. I didn't want to change in front of Chris" she put her hands up in surrender while a blush creeped up her face. My cousin is too adorable!

"Right..." I nodded. She hasn't given Chris the cookie yet and for as long as they've been together, I'm surprised. Although I didn't give mine up to Trey- thank god- it was different. Jazzy and Chris are way more in love than we could have ever been.

He really is a great guy.

"I'll just get changed in the closet" she backed into the closet once more.

Although we used to take showers together all the time when we were little, it's definitely a different story now.

We ended up dressing pretty similar except she wore heels, I wore sneakers. I wouldn't want to kill my feet because of all the walking I knew we'd be doing tonight. That would be like suicide.

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