Chapter 3

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Lia's POV Friday morning

I woke up at 6:30 a.m. sharp, feeling slightly different. Maybe it's because of the fact that my boyfriend- sorry, ex- boyfriend- cheated on me yesterday. For some reason I wasn't feeling completely like a piece of shit, keyword completely.

I headed for the bathroom and took a shower, brushed my teeth, all that good stuff. Once I headed towards my closet, I decided maybe I should go with a different look today. I've always wanted to dress more of an edgey way for at least a day, and I figured what better day than today? I straigthened my hair, which I haven't done in forever.

I picked out my outfit (outfit to the side) consisting of mostly black attire. It was like I'm going to a funeral for my relationship. "Lia!!!!! Let's go!" I heard Amanda call out to me. "I'll be right there!" I shouted to her applying the rest of my black lipstick and taking one last glance at myself before I go. Not bad, not bad at all I thought to myslef.

"WHOA. What happened to you chica? You line fineee" Mandy said stretching out the last word. "You think?" I asked looking down at myself, "Cause I wasn't so sure if I would be able to pull it off to be honest" I finished. "You look great!" she exclaimed "But why all the black all of a sudden?"

"Well, it's for a funeral..." I started and before I could even finish, she interrupted me." Oh My Gosh! Who died?'' she asked with concerned eyes.

"My relationship" I said nonchalantly while walking towards my car. "What!?!?! What happened?! You two were so cute together!" I shook my head, I thought so too. "He cheated on me with Natalie" I said- well more like choked out.

I could see Mandy's angry facial expression and it made me want to cry even more. "HE DID WHAT!? WITH NATALIE!? OH HELL NO! LETS GO RIGHT NOW!" She shouted while basically dragging me out of the door.

"Mandy, he's just not worth it. I don't want you getting in trouble for me. I can fight my own battles" I reassured her as we got in the car.

All she did was look at me with confusion all over her face as if I was speaking a foreign language. "I can't see how you're so calm. He cheated on you, and not just with some other girl but with Natalie.He knows how much you two dislike eachother"

I don't know why I was being so calm myself to tell you the truth but I'm just trying to get myself to realize that violence is never the answer- well at least not always the answer. "Can you just trust me on this? I can't waste my time crying over Trey if he never really loved me, it's just a waist of my tears".

When we finally reached school, I immediately searched for Jazzy so I can tell her what happened. I wouldn't want her finding out from someone else. I spotted her walking down the hall with Chris.

I just realized how lucky she is. Her and Chris never have problems and here I am, just caught my boyfriend cheating on me. "Lia! Oh my gosh, you like hot!" she said running towards me and engulfing me in a hug like usual. I gave her the best smile I could "Thanks" she looked at me knowingly, "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Well something happened yesterday, and I know I shoudl've called but I didn't want to talk about it..." I noticed the worried look on her face. "Go on" she pushed me "Trey cheated on me with Natalie" Both Jazzy and Chris became wide eyed "WHAT!?!?" they yelled simultaneously. I nodded "Yeah, but what can I do?" I said shrugging my shoulders. "What did you do to him? You put him in the hospital didn't you?" Chris asked me with a smirk on his face.

"Actually, no" I said matter-of-factly "Violence isn't always the answer."

"That's what you say now, but once you see him, you'll want to kill him for sure" Jasmine said. I shook my head walking towards my locker "I'll see you guys later" and before they could respond, I was in the school building.

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