Chapter 11

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Lia's POV

How could I forget about my date with Marcus today? Shit. Shit. Shit. What am I suppose to do now? I already promised to watch Steph, It's not like I can lock her in here and tell her to fend for herself.

Besides, Jordan and Liyah are here. I wouldn't want to be rude and throw them out or anything- because lets be honest, I was enjoying his company. I decided it would be best if I just cancelled for tonight and hoped that he would understand.

Sorry, something came up. Rein check? -Lia

It took about a minute for him to reply.

Thats fine. Tomorrow then? -Marcus

Yeah thanks :) -Lia

I smiled to myself at how understanding how was being.

U know u owe me, right? -Marcus

Spoke too soon.

And I was starting to think u were understanding :p -Lia

I didn't bother to wait until he replied before tucking my phone into my back pocket. I could see Jordan giving a questioning look from the corner of my eye, but I decided to play it off popping a gummy bear in my mouth. I can't seem to watch a movie without those things.

"Everything okay?" Jordan suddenly asked, breaking the silence that I was becoming comfortable with.

I nodded, "Yeah. Just kind of forgot that I already had plans today" I shrugged.

"Plans? As in a date?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Something like that, but your here and-"

"You cancelled a date for me?" he interrupted, a smirk forming on his lips. His perfect- okay I really need to stop doing that.

"No. I have to watch Steph" Was my response to try and cover up what I previously said.

"So if she wasn't here you would have kicked me out?" he gasped placing his hand on his heart in a dramatic fashion. Very dramatic.

"I didn't mean it like that...." I trailed off not sure of what to say next. I honestly didn't want him to know how much I enjoyed his company so I figured it'd be best to stop talking.

''Of course you didn't. I'm too lovable, even more than Aaliyah" he popped his imaginary collar earning a giggle from me.

"Okay, never do that again and now your just telling lies." I shook my head. How dare he compare himself to little ole precious Aaliyah. As if.

After debating for what seemed like hours about who was most adorable (I won by the way), we fed the girls and played the Little Mermaid on DVD for them. Not even thirty minutes into the movie, my eyes started to feel heavy and it became harder for me to stay awake. The last thing I remember was laying my head on Jordan's shoulder before drifting off to sleep.

Jordan's POV

"Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea"

Stephanie and Aaliyah sang along to the movie. Kill me now. Thanks Dahlia for falling asleep on me. I think she did that on purpose just so I could handle them alone.

But of course I can't be mad because even I had to admit that she looked cute in her sleep.

What are you saying? The little voice in my head asked.

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