Chapter 6

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(A/N okay guys the song to the side has a specific time to be played. Please play at the que, thanks!)

Dahlia's POV

I woke up this this morning with one thing on my mind. I can't believe the events that took place yesterday. How could Trey swear that he loved me but turns around and cheats on me and tries to rape me all in one week? I shook my head in disbelief. I have to thank Jordan for what he did last night. Usually the only time I'd think of going to his house would be to work on the project, but today was exception.

After showering and throwing on some casual attire (outfit to the side), I went down stairs to find my brother with a group of his friends playing xbox. "Hey guys" I waved to them trying to avoid a conversation with them. Anthony's friends can be more annoying than him sometimes, if that's possible.

Imagine about five 14 year old boys with hormones all over the place trying to "spit game", as they call it. It's not fun.

"Lia come sit next to me"

"Don't listen to him, sit on my lap"

"She doesn't want you, she wants me"

I rolled my eyes and ignored their comments. It was cute when they were about eight, but it's a bit old now. "Anthony, where's mom and Michael?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders, too concentrated on his game to even look at me. "Check the fridge" he pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

I grabbed the note my mother left on the refrigerator and read it

Hey guys! We had an emergency meeting for a case in Chicago. Sorry for the short notice :( We'll be back in about five days, in time for the law firm's party! There's money in the emergency jar, but we took care of most of the groceries. We'll give you guys a call as soon as possible. Love, mom AND MICHAEL!

I rolled my eyes at the last two words. Mom and Michael always had to leave the state for cases they had to deal with. I was left to take care of Anthony and I never really get a thank you. I let out a long, very much over due sigh. Why can't I have a normal teenage life? Why can't I live the life that everyone at school think I'm living?

I walked out of the kitchen with my keys in hand, "Hey Anthony, do you think you guys will be okay here for a couple of hours?" I asked him although he stays home alone all the time. "Duh, I'm 14 not 4 Lia" he groaned. "Okay okay, I'll be back" I headed towards the door. "And don't trash the house" I warned them before shutting the door behind me.

Once I reached Jordans Gigantic house, I parked and lightly knocked on the door. Jordan's mother, Sarah, opened the door yet again. "Dahlia! Hi!" she pulled me into a hug and I happily hugged back. "Hi Sarah! How's you're day been?" she gave a warm smile "Great thanks for asking, but I was just heading to work"

It was then that I noticed she was dressed in business attire. A pants suit, her brief case, and very expensive looking heels. "I love your shoes" I complimented her. "Thank you, I love yours too" she said. I glanced at my feet and stared at my fifteen dollar flats and then we both began to laugh. "Well I was just heading out, JJ is in his room you can head on up" she said right before leaving.

I chuckled at the nickname she gave him. JJ that name doesn't fit him at all, I thought to myself. As I made my way up the stairs, I heard music coming from Jordan's bedroom. I can recognize that song anywhere.

"Jordan?" I slowly opened the door then quickly covered my eyes and turned my back once I noticed he was shirtless. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry!" Not really my brain said. Shut up brain! Is it weird that I'm having a conversation with my brain?

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