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02. Brave New World


Lily opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings in confusion, and realised she was standing in the middle of a field that was full of yellow sunflowers.


Lily looked around in confusion, trying to see who was calling out to her, "Whose there?" she asked.

"The day is getting closer, Little Luna".

"What day?" a confused Lily asked.

"The day you and I will come face to face".

"Who are you?" Lily asked confused.

"You'll know when we meet".

"And how do I know it's you when I meet you?" Lily asked.

"You'll just know".

Lily gasped and sat up in her bed in shock, the dream she had extremely confusing her.


Damon sat in the Lockwood's office with Carol.

"So I understand John Gilbert has left town" Carol said, taking a sip of her tea, "Have they found the vampire that attacked him?".

"Well the Sheriff has asked me to take the lead on that" Damon informed, "And I promise you, I will get to the bottom of it".

"Which brings me to my next subject" Carol said, putting her cup down, "With Richard gone, I'll be acting as interim mayor until the elections, and I'm going to need someone to spearhead the Council".

"Hmm" Damon said, pretending to be oblivious to where Carol was taking this conversation.

"I'd like that person to be you" Carol informed.

"Whatever you need, Carol" Damon simply said, "As a founding family member, it's something that's close to me, so I would be honored to help keep this town safe from vampires".

Carol gave Damon a huge smile, both their attention suddenly went towards the door when Tyler, Mason and Lily's laughter was heard.

"Oh, jeez" Tyler said, entering his house with Mason and Lily.

"Is it safe to talk?" Damon asked Carol, as she stood up to close the door.

"It's my brother-in-law, Mason, he's still visiting" Carol informed, "I just don't want him to hear us, he didn't want any part of the council when he lived here and I see no reason to bring him into it now".

Damon nodded in understanding, he then focused his hearing outside, eavesdropping on the trio's conversation.

"I can't believe you dragged me out of bed for this" Lily complained to Tyler, out of breath from all the running they did.

"If I was going to go through this torture, so were you" Tyler teased, putting his arm around Lily.

"Back off you stink" Lily said, shoving Tyler away from her.

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