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07. Ghost World

Lily groaned and slowly opened her eyes, she felt extremely weak and her whole body was hurting, once her blurry vision had faded away, she looked around and realised she was chained to a chair at the old Forbes cellar, immediately she tried to rip the chains off but failed, she was too weak.

Lily's eyes went to the entrance of the cellar, where she saw Harry enter, "Oh good, you're awake, now we can get started".

"Why are you doing this?" Lily whispered, "I don't even know you, why are you doing this to me?".

Harry kneeled infront of Lily and gave her a sinister smirk, "You didn't do anything to me sweetheart, but your parents on the other hand, they killed me".

"The way I see it, you clearly deserved it" Lily said, glaring at Harry.

Suddenly the smirk left Harry's face, Lily let out a painful yell as Harry suddenly stabbed her in the stomach with a knife.

"A knife coated in wolfsbane can never go wrong" Harry taunted, as immense pain shot through Lily.

"Go to hell!" Lily yelled.

"I was already in hell sweetheart, escaped it especially for you and your parents" Harry said, before stabbing Lily in the knife, her screams filling the cellar.


Caroline stood in the town square, holding on to the ladder that Bonnie had climbed on to hang lanterns on to the tree.

"So when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did that get rid of Anna too?" a curious Caroline asked her best friend.

Bonnie sighed, "I wish, all I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here" she clarified, slowly stepping down from the ladder, "Jeremy's still got a direct line to the other side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here".

"Okay, you don't think that I can actually resist commenting on that" Caroline said.

"There, you commented" Bonnie pointed out, walking away from her best friend.

"Bonnie" a concerned Caroline called out.

"What do you want me to say, Caroline?" an annoyed Bonnie asked, turning around and facing her best friend, "I went against the balance of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life and now I'm paying the consequences".

"Well, I want you to say you're not okay with it" Caroline stated.

"I'm a thousand times not okay with it" Bonnie said, "I just don't know what to do about it".

Suddenly, Caroline and Bonnie's attention went on the road when they head the familiar sound of Damon's car.

"Greetings, blondie, witchy" Damon greeted, stopping his car infront of the two friends, he then looked towards Bonnie, "I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan".

"What do you mean?" a confused Bonnie asked, "Why?".

"Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost" Damon informed.

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