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18. Klaus

"What are we doing in the middle of the woods?" a confused Lily asked, following Klaus, "I thought you said you weren't going to kidnap me yet".

Klaus chuckled, "I'm not kidnapping you" he assured, "Have you ever been to the waterfalls?".

"Yeah, when I had a habit of getting high" a sheepish Lily replied.

"So you've never been there sober?" Klaus asked, "You've never stop and just appreciated it's beauty?".

"You find the falls beautiful?" Lily asked.

"After living as long as I have, you learn to appericate nature's beauty" Klaus replied.

"I never used to like nature, but that changed when I triggered my curse" Lily admitted, "After that, the only place I could feel peace was in the woods, surrounded by the thing I used to hate, nature".

Klaus looked at Lily, "Me too" he admitted, as he and Lily arrived at the falls.

Arriving there, Lily looked at the waterfall infront of her and a small smile formed on her face, "I guess you were right, it is beautiful".

"Yes it is" Klaus whispered, not looking at the falls but instead looking at Lily, who was busy admiring the water.

After a moment, Lily turned to Klaus, "So, are you finally going to tell me your story?" she asked.

"My story is a long one, you sure you have time for it?" Klaus asked.

Lily sat on the ground and patted the patch of grass next to her, indicating for Klaus to sit, "Lucky for you, my schedule is free today, so let's start story time, shall we?".

Klaus sat next to Lily, "We shall" he whispered, staring at the water infront of him, a thoughtful expression on his face.


"Where would you like for me to start my story?" Klaus asked.

"Start with you and Elijah" Lily said, "Who is he to you?".

"Elijah" Klaus said, a small smile on his face, "Elijah is my brother".

"I'm sorry, what?!" a shocked Lily asked, "Elijah is your what now?!".

Klaus chuckled at Lily's reaction, "Elijah is my brother, Lily" he repeated.

"Yeah, you're going to have to give my brain a second to process that" Lily stated, her brain having a hard time believing that Klaus and Elijah were related.

"Take your time" an amused Klaus said, "Like you said, we have all day".


"Wait" Lily said after a moment of silence, "If you and Elijah are siblings, does that mean they are more of you? Like your other family remember? Wait, do you even have any other family? And I did know mean that in a rude way, I just mean like Damon and Stefan are each other's only family, is that the same thing with you and Elijah".

"You definitely have a tendency to ramble, don't you?" an amused Klaus asked Lily.

"Only when my brain is working fast to connect all the dots" a sheepish Lily replied, feeling slightly embarrassed.

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