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18. American Gothic

A shirtless and in extreme pain Klaus, looked at his back in the mirror and tried to remove the piece of white oak stake that Silas had stuck there, but to his frustration no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach it, he slammed his shoulder into the wall in order to dislocate it, causing him to yell in pain, once his shoulder was broken, he slowly walked back towards the mirror and once again tried to take the white oak out of his body, but once again failed, he only made the scratches on his back worse, causing him to slam his injured back to the wall and crying out in pain.

"Klaus?!" Klaus suddenly heard Lily called out his name, "Klaus, where the hell are you? We need to talk!", Lily walked into the room Klaus was in and immediately her eyes went wide in worry seeing his state, "What the hell happened to you?".

"Silas" Klaus informed, "He attacked me, he stabbed me with the white oak stake, a piece of it is still inside me".

"Oh my god, that will kill you" a panicked Lily realised.

Klaus let out a sarcastic laugh, "Well, I certainly feel like I'm dying".

Lily walked closer to Klaus, she placed her hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes, "As much as I would love to watch you die, you still haven't found me that cure".

Immediately Klaus shoves Lily off of him causing him to fall to the ground, "Silas!".

"That's right, last night I looked like Shane, today I look like Lily, the woman who is deeply embedded in your heart, and tomorrow, who knows?" Silas taunted.

"Show me your real face" Klaus demanded.

"Now, why would I do that when I can look like whomever I want you to see?" Silas asked, "Resist me all you want Klaus, but until you bring me the cure, I will bring you nothing but misery".

Klaus watched as Silas disappeared right infront of his eyes, the moment Silas disappeared, Klaus let out a sigh of relief, for the first time in a thousand years a threat had actually managed to shaken the big bad hybrid, and Klaus had no idea how to get rid of the threat, not yet at least.


"You know I was planning to spend the day with my mother today" Lily said, entering the Mikaelson mansion and looking around for Klaus, "But you've made that kind of hard with the million messages you sent, you better be dying Klaus or I'm going to be extremely pissed".

"Go away" Lily heard Klaus say.

"Klaus?" Lily called out, walking in the direction she heard the voice coming from, "Where are you? I can't help you with whatever it is you need my help with unless you show me that pretty face of yours", Lily entered the room in which Klaus was on the floor, just looking at him, Lily could tell he was in a lot of pain, "Klaus!" a worried Lily called out, quickly running over to her boyfriend and kneeling by him, "What happened? Who did this to you?".

Instead of replying, Klaus ended up shoving Lily away from him, "I need more time, stop hounding me!".

Lily looked at Klaus in confusion, "I'm hounding you?" she asked, " Me and my mom are supposed to be having a supernatural marathon today but you were the one who couldn't stop messaging me, and now that I'm here, instead of telling me what's wrong, you are seriously going to accuse me of hounding you, really Klaus?!".

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