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11. By The Light Of The Moon

"Why is that damn video still playing?" Lily asked, entering the Lockwood's office and seeing Tyler packing a bag, all ready for the full moon tomorrow.

A panicked Tyler looked at Lily, "Has Mason contacted you yet?".

Lily shook her head, "Nope, I sent him many messages and voicemails, and all I got was one text, in Florida, don't know when I will come back".

Tyler sighed, he then picked the office phone up and dialed Mason's number.

"He's not going to pick up Ty, he's given up on Mystic Falls, on us" Lily said, angry and hurt with Mason for walking out on both her and Tyler.

"I need to try, one last time" Tyler said, waiting for Mason to pick up, "Come on, come on", but to both his and Lily's disappointment, Mason didn't pick up.

"Hey, it's Mason, leave a message".

"Mason, it's Tyler again" Tyler said, deciding to leave Mason one last voicemail, "Look, your cell's voicemail is full, I need to talk to you, it's a full moon tomorrow and I found your recording, and I'm freaking out over here, so just call me back, please".


Next morning, Tyler and Lily, who had slept over at the Lockwood's, got ready to leave the mansion.

"Heading out?" Carol asked, walking over to the two friends.

"Yeah" Tyler replied, "Lunch at the Grill, I've got practice and Lily's gonna watch, then we'll probably go out after, I'll be late".

Before Carol could say anything the doorbell rang.

"I've got it" Lily said, opening the front door and seeing a girl she has never seen before standing infront of her, "Yes?".

"Hi, sorry, rude, you have no idea who I am, I'm Jules, a friend of Mason's from Florida?", Jules looked between Lily and Tyler, "You two must be Lily and Tyler".

"Yeah, nice to meet you" Tyler said shaking Jules hand, while Lily looked at the women infront of her in suspicion.

"So I know it's weird of me to just stop by but I'm trying to track down Mason" Jules informed, confusing everyone.

"Mason's back in Florida, he has been for a while now" Carol informed.

"See, that's the thing, he's not" Jules revealed.

Lily and Tyler turned to each other in concern, both wondering if Mason wasn't in Florida then where did he go.


"Hey" Caroline greeted her sister and Tyler as they walked into the Grill, she frowned seeing their worried faces, "What's wrong?".

"This girl Mason knows stopped by the house" Tyler informed, "She said he never made it back to Florida, my mom's freaking out, and she was on the phone with your mom when I left, we should get going".

"Yeah" a shocked Caroline whispered, making Lily frown.

As Tyler walked out the Grill, Caroline went to follow when Lily grabbed her wrist.

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