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09. O Come, All Ye Faithful

Lily entered the Mikaelson's living room where she saw Klaus busy painting, without saying anything to the hybrid, Lily walked behind and wrapped her arms around his waist, "Pretty" she commented, looking at Klaus's painting over his shoulder.

"Thank you, love" Klaus said, smiling at Lily before turning back to his painting.

"Looks like a giant snowflake" Stefan commented, entering the room and announcing his presence to the couple.

"I prefer to think of it as an expression of post modernism" Klaus retorted, "It's my donation to the Winter Wonderland Charity event".

"You said it was urgent?" one of Klaus's hybrids asked, entering the room.

"Yes, take this to the Mystic Grill immediately" Klaus demanded, gesturing towards his painting.

"You want me to be a delivery guy?", Lily frowned hearing the hybrid's tone, for some reason, recently, Lily has felt something was really wrong with Klaus's hybrids but she didn't tell Klaus her suspicion because she hadn't figured out what was wrong yet.

"What I want is for you to do whatever I say without the attitude" Klaus snapped, the hybrid slowly nodded his head and went over to pick Klaus's painting, "And be careful with that, it's still wet".

"Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, you know" Stefan taunted, after the hybrid had left.

"What is the point of my hybrids being sired to me if I can maximize on the benefits of free labor?" Klaus asked.

Lily chuckled, "Only you Klaus, only you" she said, before turning to Stefan, "So, what's up with the early morning visit?".

"Elena is sired to Damon" Stefan revealed.

"You already told me that" Lily reminded.

"And I intuited as much" Klaus added.

"Which means I need to find the cure now more then ever and yet here you are making post-modern snowflakes" Stefan said.

"I've delivered" Klaus reminded, "I retrieved the hunter's sword, from Italy which we'll use to decipher the map hidden in the hunter's mark, you're the one who's supposed to deliver the hunter and his mark".

"Well, Jeremy is the hunter, and he has to keep killing vampires to complete his mark but we can't quite figure out how to keep him from killing us" Stefan said.

"Sounds like quite the chore, which is why I feel perfectly justified doing a little charity work" Klaus taunted.

"Or maybe you're lying about having found the sword" Stefan retorted.

"He's not lying" Lily said, Klaus having shown her the sword.

"She's right" Klaus said, "And why would I lie to you, Stefan?", Klaus walked away from Stefan and towards his safe, "We're in this together", Klaus opened the safe up and pulled the hunter's sword out of it, "The hilt acts as a cipher which we'll use to decode the marks on Jeremy's tattoo, when he's killed enough vampires to complete it", Klaus placed the sword on the table and took a seat on the couch, placing his feet on the table while Stefan grabbed the sword and started examining it, "I heard you moved out of your house".

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