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15. Stand By Me

Klaus and Lily sat on the couch in the Mikaelson's living room, Lily's phone placed on the table infront of them.

"So Katherine did what we wanted but she also did a Katherine" Rebekah informed the couple.

"What do you mean?" a confused Lily asked, "What exactly did Katherine do?".

"She killed Jeremy by feeding him to Silas, so she got us our revenge but then she ran away with the cure" Rebekah replied.

"And what about Silas?" a curious Klaus asked.

"If Silas was there along with the cure then he's gone as well" Rebekah revealed.

Lily let out a sigh, "You know what? Right now I can't think about Silas, I'm just glad that Kol's killer got his karma".

"And what about Elena?" Klaus asked.

"Her karma is her brother's death" Lily stated, "Rebekah, come home, there's no point in staying on that island anymore".

"But what about the cure?" Rebekah asked, "I want the cure Lily".

"If Katherine took the cure, then she's not staying on the island so you guys can catch her with it" Lily pointed out.

"And since there's no way Katherine Pierce took the cure to become human, she has an ulterior motive" Klaus concluded.

"Which is what?" a confused Rebekah asked.

"Come home and we'll figure it out" Lily said, she looked at Klaus, "We're gonna need Elijah's help with this, something tells me if there's anyone Katherine's gonna talk to, it's him".

Klaus nodded his head in agreement, "Elijah and the Petrova doppelgangers, it's really a never ending tale, isn't it?" he teased, making Lily chuckle.


"Hey, you're home, finally" an excited Lily said, running into the Mikaelson's living room and hugging Rebekah.

"I'm home" a smiling Rebekah said, hugging Lily back.

"Did you find anything else about the cure or Katherine?" a curious Lily asked, after breaking the hug and sitting on the couch with Rebekah.

"Not a lot" Rebekah admitted, "I found out that Tyler's friend Hayley, she's working with Katherine, she found her in New Orleans, and she's the one who told Katherine about the hunter's map and the cure, Katherine then found this hunter Vaughn and ended up telling him everything".

"Was he part of the five?" Lily asked, Rebekah nodded her head, "Did he say anything about where we can find Katherine?".

Rebekah shook his head, "He has no idea where Katherine went, all he said that if we're smart we'll use the cure to kill Silas, according to him no one has ever seen Silas, no one knows his face".

"So how do you hide from the devil when you don't know what he looks like?" Lily wondered.

Rebekah shrugged her shoulders, "I honestly have no idea, Lily".

Lily let out a sigh, "Rebekah, I know you want to be human, but is being human really worth letting a guy who is being compared to the devil roam our earth? There was a reason, that Kol, the wildest one out of all of you was so scared of Silas, I have this bad feeling Rebekah, that if we don't kill Silas, then he's going to become all of our doom".

Rebekah didn't say anything, just stared at the fireplace infront while thinking about Lily's, Kol's and Vaughn's words, before she refused to believe Silas was real but now everything pointed towards him being very real and now very alive, Rebekah wondered did the thousand year old originals have it in them to fight the two thousand year old Silas?


Presenting 3x15 of Fire & Flame!

How was the chapter? I know it was extremely short but I'm trying to get these last few chapters of this season done as soon as possible so I can get to the originals and focus fully on Klaus and Lily's story, so bear with me >.<

Anyways, thoughts on Rebekah informing Klaus and Lily about Jeremy's death?

Thoughts on Lily thinking they should give Silas the cure and kill him?

Thoughts on Lily thinking they should give Silas the cure and kill him?

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