09. Katerina
Lily knocked on the Salvatore's front door.
"What are you doing here?" Damon asked, opening the door and seeing Lily infront of him.
"Relax Damon, I'm not here to bite you, not yet anyways" Lily said, making Damon give her a mock smile which she gladly returned, "Stefan called me, saying it was important I show him my pretty face today".
Damon rolled his eyes at Lily, but nonetheless stepped to the side and let Lily enter, "He's in the living room" he informed.
Lily nodded and walked into the living room, where both Stefan and Elena were, "This better be important Stefan, I was peacefully sleeping and dreaming about Zayn Malik when you disturbed me".
Stefan shook his head in amusement at Lily, "I'm sorry, but I wouldn't have disturbed you if it wasn't important".
"Okay, so what is it?" Lily asked confused with what was going on.
"It's her" Stefan pointed behind her.
Lily turned around and saw Rose standing behind her, "Rose, here to kidnap me again?" she asked, wondering what the hell Rose was doing here.
"No actually, I'm here to warn you" Rose informed.
"Warn me about what?" Lily asked.
"About Klaus".
"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years" Rose told the group of four, as they all sat down in the living room, "And I don't know what's true and what's not true, that's the problem with all of this vampire crap, but Klaus I know is real".
"Again, who the hell is Klaus?" an annoyed Lily asked, "And what the hell does he want with me".
"He's one of the originals, he's a legend" Damon informed.
"From the first generation of vampires" Stefan added.
"Like Elijah" Elena realised.
"No, Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus" Rose said, "He's a foot soldier, Klaus is the real deal".
"Considering that easter bunny chopped your friends head off with his bare hands, I'll say he's more then a foot solider" Lily said, causing Rose to glare at her, in confusion Lily looked at Stefan, "Am I wrong?".
"Less talking, more listening" Stefan said, making Lily sulk and sit back, "Anyways, Klaus is known to be the oldest".
"Okay, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after us?" Elena asked, both shocked and scared.
"Yes", "No" Both Rose and Stefan said at the same time.
Lily looked between Stefan and Rose, "No or yes?" she asked, "I need a proper answer before I decide how I'm going to react to this information".
"What they're saying is, I mean, if what she's saying is true--".
"Which it is" Rose said.

Fire & Flame | Klaus Mikaelson
Fanfiction'he set fire to the world around him, but never let a flame touch her' [BOOK ONE OF LILY FORBES] [THE VAMPIRE DIARIES SEASON 2-4] [THE ORIGINALS SEASON 1-?] STARTED: 27th October 2022 FINISHED: TBA [Klaus Mikaelson x OC] cover by @dazy_shines Highes...