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13. Bringing Out The Dead

Elijah stood infront of Lily and Klaus, wiping his bloody hand with a cloth and observing both Lily and Klaus's facial expressions, both the werewolves looked extremely shocked seeing the noble original in front of them, but the small smile on Lily's face wasn't missed by Elijah either, she was shocked seeing him but she was also happy, unlike his brother who was just shocked, not ready to face his brother just yet.

"You both look surprised to see me" Elijah observed, "So it wasn't either of you that removed the dagger from my chest".

"You look like you could do with a drink" Klaus told his older brother, knowing he was furious with him, "And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?".

Before Klaus could process anything, Elijah ended up punching him in the face, he then grabbed him and shoved him through the door, breaking the door and the glass around it.

"Easy, I just finished renovating" Klaus said, glaring at his brother, he then rushed towards him and slammed him through a table.

Lily let out an annoyed sigh seeing the antics of the two originals, "Vampires" she mumbled, shaking her head at the two men.

"You know, you have every right to be mad at me" Klaus said, looking at his brother who was still laying on the floor, "But I kept my word, I reunited you with our family".

Elijah stood up and rapidly punched Klaus before kicking him over to where the other coffins laid, an enraged Klaus opened one of the coffins and took out the dagger from one of his brothers, just as Elijah speeded over to him, Klaus placed his hand on his throat and shoved him against the other coffin.

"Don't make me do this to you again, Elijah" Klaus warned, holding the dagger above his head.

"Come on, use it, I dare you" Elijah said, "You'll have Kol to deal with".

Lily, realising all of this was getting out of hand, walked over to the brothers and shoved Klaus away from Elijah, "Cut it out!" she snapped, looking between the two vampires, "You two are brothers, start acting like it for gods sake!", Klaus looked at Lily, who gestured her head towards Elijah, "Talk to him, Klaus".

Klaus took a deep breath and looked behind Lily to where Elijah was standing, "Mikael is dead".

"What did you say?" a shocked Elijah asked his brother, thinking he must have heard his brother wrong, there was no way their father, who had chased after them for over a thousand year, was dead.

"I killed him with his own weapon, he's gone Elijah, forever" Klaus informed.

"Then why do our family remain in these coffins?" a frustrated Elijah asked, "Finn for over nine hundred years, Kol for over a century".

"Because of Stefan Salvatore" Klaus revealed, "He holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them, there are things that you do not know about our past Elijah, our mother's death, things I never wanted you to know, but I'm ready to tell you know, I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me", Klaus walked over to a table and dipped the dagger into the pot of white oak ash.

"What are you doing?" a confused Elijah asked, as Klaus walked back to his brother Kol's body and once again put the dagger through his chest.

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