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10. The New Deal

After the very eventful homecoming dance, Lily was in desperate need for a normal day, which is why she woke up before her mother and sister and got into her running clothes and took off running, something that she did whenever she had time, since Lily wanted a normal day today, she had to do things that were normal for her, like taking a run before the sun has even risen properly.

As Lily was running laps around the neighborhood, she suddenly felt has though she is being followed, slowly peeking behind her Lily realised her suspicion was right as a man she had never seen before was running behind her.

Lily knew there was a high chance she was just being extremely paranoid, but something about the man just seemed very off to the werewolf, so she quickly cut a left and hid behind a wall.

Lily watched as the mysterious man also cut a left, suddenly he stopped running and started looking around in almost a panic, confirming Lily's suspicion that this man was following her, however before Lily could confront the man, she saw him pull out his phone and call someone.

"I'm so sorry Klaus, I lost the girl".

Lily shook her head hearing the man infront, she finally put the pieces together, the man infront of her was one of Klaus's hybrids, who for some reason Klaus has asked to follow her.

Without making her presence known, Lily stealthily walked behind the oblivious hybrid and snatched his phone from him.

"You had one job Tony! How did you lose her?!" Lily heard a furious Klaus as soon as she placed the phone on her ear.

"Maybe cause she isn't an idiot" Lily said, letting Klaus know it was her, while the hybrid infront of her stood like a deer caught in the headlight.

"Lily" Klaus whispered.

"Yes, Lily" Lily confirmed, "Why the hell is your hybrid trailing me Klaus?".

"It's for your safety, little luna" Klaus defended.

"My safety?" a confused Lily asked.

"Your best friend, Stefan, the one you forced me to free, has stolen my family from me" Klaus revealed.

"What?!" a shocked Lily asked, "When? Why?".

"Last night after the homecoming dance" Klaus informed, "And because he wants revenge from me, apparently his freedom came at a too high of a price".

"It did" Lily stated, "But what does Stefan wanting revenge from you have anything to do with me?".

"I'm taking precautions incase Stefan decides he wants to take the revenge one step ahead" Klaus replied.

"You think Stefan is going to come after me?" Lily asked, not wanting to believe Stefan will attack her.

"Stefan's humanity is currently off" Klaus reminded, "Right now, the only thing he is driven by is the feeling of revenge, and for that he will go against everyone, even his own best friend".

"But why me?" a confused Lily asked, "Why will Stefan attack me?".

"Because he knows" Klaus replied, "He knows that I care for you".

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