three ─ 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀'𝗌 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀

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𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀'𝗌 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀

Six years had gone by since the incident at Driftmark, yet Lucenys could still remember Aemond's bloody scream. It haunts her in her dreams and she is pathetically scared of him. All she sees is his one eye, the other covered in a patch while he screamed for her to give her his eye. When she had expressed her fear to her mother and Daemon, they had simply told her not to worry. Her mother had told her that Aemond had grown up and had gotten over what happened at Driftmark and Daemon told her would protect Lucenys if he ever dared touch her. It did not ease her worries though.

She could still see him in her dreams.

"Stop it Aegon," she tuts disapprovingly at little Aegon. He shakes his silver head at her and Lucenys gives him a playful glare.

"I need that parchment Aegon,"

Aegon giggled at her pathetic attempt on getting it back before running away when she tried to rush forward. Lucenys laughed as she managed to catch up to Aegon and threw her arms over his small body. She flung him up in the air and attacked him with kisses.

"Ew! Stop it, Luce! S-Stop!" Aegon laughed.

"You two seem to have a fun time compared to your brothers,"

She turned around and faced Daemon. She smiled at him gently and made Aegon sit comfortably in her arms. She went over to her step father who was leaning on the door with his usual smirk.

"How long have you been standing there with no intention of saving me from this little monster?" She laughed as she kissed Daemon's cheek in greeting.

She looked at Aegon. "This one needs a huge punishment for his honor less acts towards a princess."

Daemon laughed and took Aegon from her hands. "Yes, I'm sure we'll find a good punishment for you Aegon." Lucenys giggled as Aegon shrieked.

Daemon looked at her and Luce could see behind his eyes. "Pack the things you'll need," he said. "We leave for King's Landing on the morrow."

She widened her eyes, fear suddenly pouring through her. "Kings landing? Why? We haven't been there in six years?"

"Vaemond Velaryon is challenging Joffrey's claim to Driftmark," Daemon explained seriously. "Vaemond is a fool. But even he knows that it is not Viserys that holds the throne these days, it is the Hightowers."

Lucenys stared fiercely at the ground. " I don't want to go to king's landing Daemon." She said gently. She was a coward. She did not want to look at the face she had maimed all those years prior.

"Hey, look at me," Daemon said gently, bringing his free hand to her chin, and tilting her head up. "Nothing will happen to you there. I will cut out Aemond's other eye if he as so much looks at you the wrong way. Do you understand?"

Lucenys smiled lovingly at him. "Yes, I do. Thank you Daemon. You truly are like a father to me, I couldn't have asked for a better one."

Daemon smiled and kissed her forehead. "Now come, we must meet with your mother."

KING'S LANDING HAD CHANGED SINCE THE LAST TIME SHE HAD BEEN HERE. When it was filled with Targaryen sigils, now it was covered in the symbols of the Faith, the seven pointed star one of them. Luce stared in shock as she walked down the stairs to the combat area outside the keep behind Jace.

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