five ─ 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗆'𝗌 𝖾𝗇𝖽

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𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗆'𝗌 𝖾𝗇𝖽

Aegon had been crowned king. That was what her mother told both her and Jace while in pain. Her grandsire was dead, therefore the crown should've gone to her mother, yet it did not. Lucenys could only watch in anguish while holding her brother's hand at her mother while she tried to explain. Jace had left to stop whatever her father was doing while Luce had been with her mother to ease her pain.

The greens had usurped her mother's crown. Crowned Aegon in his stead, claiming her ever-loving and supporting grandsire whispered in his last breath that his heir should be Aegon the Elder instead of her mother.

Now, Jace, Luke, Baela, Rhaena, the Velaryons, and all her mother's allies were present around the great table, awaiting her mother's orders on what to do next.

Lucenys was careful to keep quiet and not speak, she did not wish to interrupt. But she could feel the hold Jace had on her arm as if to make sure she still was there. The tension was clear, and all the people present could feel it.

"Dragons are faster than ravens. Send us."

At Jace's words, her head turned to him. As well as everyone else in the council. Her mother looked over at them with worry. As a mother, she did not want to send her children to a task such as this, but as a Queen, she knew her son spoke true, Luce knew this yet it did not make her unevenness go away.

There was a moment in silence before her mother spoke, "Very well. Jace will go the Vale, to treat with my cousin Lady Jane. And then leave to Winterfell and treat with Lord Cregan. While Luce will go to Storm's End, to treat with Lord Borros."

Luce tensed and straightened her back. She felt the nerves in her body, her breaths began to quicken and Jace gripped her hand in comfort. She didn't want to go. She wanted to be by her mother and never leave. But she knew, she couldn't stay cowering behind her parents and siblings. Even little Joffrey was braver than her. She would obey her mother and do her duty as her daughter.

Why must you always be so weak, a voice whispered in her head. Why can't you be strong to do your family proud?

Luce stared at her mother, looking at her with sternly. She would do this task for her mother and for the rightful ruler of the seven kingdoms.

              "LUCENYS?" A VOICE CAME FROM HER CHAMBERS. Lucenys turned and found her brother standing before her, ready to leave for the Vale and Winterfell. Luce sighed before walking over and quietly grabbing his hand, her fingers rubbing against his ever so gently.

"Are you scared, Luce?" Jace asked, voice small.

Luce looked down at their entwined hands. She wanted to say no. She wanted to tell him that she was unafraid and would do this task without fault. But she couldn't.

"I'm terrified, Jace," she began, voice wobbly. "I am so afraid. Aegon is now crowned king and everyone knows war is coming. I don't know what to do,"

"I will protect you, Luce. Never doubt that," Jace stated, his hand gently cupping her cheek, as his fingers brush over one tear that Luce let out. "We will all be there to protect you,"

Luce sniffled. "But I don't want you all to do that. I want to do this task for my mother. An easy task. I don't understand why I should be scared. You have it worse Jace. You are the one traveling furthest away, not me. And here I am moping about being afraid,"

"You're not-"

"I've never really asked you how you feel," Luce interrupted a sad smile on her face. She grabbed Jace's head in her hands, and their eyes locked. "And I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for making you feel you need to protect me,"

𝗘𝗬𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗔𝗡 𝗘𝗬𝗘, hotd ✓Where stories live. Discover now