Halloween Eve

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October 30th, 7:25 pm

As I walked down the street on this chilly afternoon, I couldn't help but wonder what the horrific feeling was. It was late, around 7 o'clock and I'd been heading down to the nearby candy shop. CandyClub, to be precise. Strolling over to the pastel shop, I opened the pretty, clear glass doors and walked inside. As I stepped in, the overwhelming scent of Airheads and Jawbreakers, Twizlers and Dum Dums and gummy bears all flooded my nose as if my nostrils had suddenly opened a gate. I stood in the doorway for a second before walking up to the counter. "Hey Kevin," I interrupted him, "Can I get a bag, please?" Kevin, who was at the time ranting to Rick about some kids, turned to me with a forced smile. He squinted, then grabbed a bag. "Suuuure..Say, you haven't seen a little skeleton boy and his pumpkin friend, have you?" Kevin worried aloud, slouching over the counter with an almost sarcastic grin. "Oh, uhm..You mean my neighbors? Skid and Pump? The boys who are always dressed up for some...odd reason." I realized, scratching my chin and taking the bag from Kevin. He looked at me, blinked, and then smiled that sarcastic, forced, annoying smile once more. "Your neighbors? You are...So unlucky. Every Halloween, those two scurry about into my store and mess with the candy like there's no tomorrow. How they're not overweight, I'm not sure!" Kevin said, beginning a small pace back and forth. I sat in silence and listened, looking down in front of me at the rows of candy on the counter. I grabbed a few pieces as I listened. 

"And then, last year, they got a cannibalistic serial killer to ch-" "A what?" I cut Kevin off. He looked at me almost flabbergasted. "You don't know about Bob Velseb? The serial killer who comes out on Halloween and kills people? Last year, he killed eight people, and then a couple more! By the time Halloween was over, Bob had killed up to 10 people!" Kevin watched me grab another piece of candy and shove it into my paper bag. I gulped and handed him the bag. "Hey, Y/N, just uh-" Kevin rubbed his neck and rang me up, "Be careful out there, please. Also, your total is $6.27." I smiled warmly at Kevin, taking the bag and handing him the money. "Yeah, I'll try." After that, I headed out of the store and around the block. 

Once again, I got that overwhelming feeling of being watched. I just couldn't figure out why. That was, until I heard a loud eerie clank. It was the sound of a metal trash bin falling over in a nearby alleyway across the street. I stood up straight,  staring over at the far left sidewalk. In the alleyway, the roaring noise of the rolling trash bin echoed through the streets. I froze up, staring at the rolling bin. Everything seemed normal, silent. Maybe it was just a stray cat.. I thought to myself, turning around and preparing myself for my next steps to my home. But, just then, just as I'd lifted my foot to walk, a roar of laughter and shouting came tumbling through the road over to me. Two little kids, who matched the description of Kevin's little monsters perfectly, came running hand in hand out of the alleyway. They laughed, stumbling around and then looked at me. The little skeleton boy, Skid I think is his name, raised his finger to his mouth. "Shhh... We're playing hide and seek!" He peeped, turning around to make sure their seeker hadn't found them yet. I bent down to their height and smiled warmly, trying my best to be friendly with these kids. "What, hun? Who are you playing hide and seek with? And shouldn't you be getting home? It's 8 o'clock!" I stated with a grin. The boys looked at one another. The little pumpkin boy looked behind him, smiling a big smile. "That guy! The big fat red guy!" Pump laughed and grabbed Skid's hand, bolting for another alleyway. I watched as they ran away, raising an eyebrow before freezing up again. Just then, the hollow sound of footsteps filled my ears. Somebody had stuck up behind me. I quickly turned around, only to see nothing. I furrowed my brow. What was that? Who was behind me? Eh, who knows. Maybe I'm imagining things. It is late, after all. 

Just as I'd calmed down, I heard another loud step. Before I could turn around, I felt something grip my shoulder. I jumped,spinning to my right to be met with a very tall man. He had large red devil horns, a red sweater, black pants, and an eerie, horn to horn smile that seemed to only stretch when we locked eyes. "Wha- Who..are you?" I uttered under my breath, too freaked out to speak right. "Did you know, the liver is the most nutritious part of the human body? That's what makes it so good for eating..." His voice trailed off in a gravely tone with a very slight southern drawl. His voice was deep, raspy, and somewhat calming. I stopped tensing myself up, feeling some form of overwhelming comfort take over my body. This man was very large and chubby. Almost as if he could easily protect me if need be. But, that was crazy of me to think. My eyes wandered his body with curiosity, trying to spot some form of knowledge as to who he is. But alas, there was no sign of familiarity. I stepped back. "What kind of a fact is that?" A shiver crept down my spine. He did not answer. "S-Sir?" I whimpered at him. His breathing got heavier and drool leaked from the corners of his wide smile. 

"You can call me Bob. Say, why don't we play a game?"  Bob hissed, wiggling his clawed fingers in the air at me. "But..We've only just met?" I questioned, pondering at the idea. "How about a deal then? If you win this game, you'll get some candy and I'll leave you alone for the rest of the night."  Bob's voice trailed off into an eerie croak. I stepped back and straightened my posture. If I play a round of hide and seek with this strange man, I'll get more candy. If I win, that is. Plus, he'll leave me alone. Maybe I could try, I'm relatively small anyways, which has me at an advantage. I'm bound to win. 

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