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November 2nd, 10:00 AM

(L/N= Last name)

Cold Locker- The individual cubical used to store a corpse in a mortuary.

I woke up around 10 to my alarm going off. It was snowing outside, and Bob was all wrapped up with me. I was nude, so the first thing I did was take a shower and brush my teeth and hair. After all of this, I slouched my shoulders and shuffled over to my dresser to dig through my clothes. Just some plain clothes today, since I have to work. Tomorrow is my day off. So let's get this over with. I began putting on my clothes but soon realized I was still super groggy. So, I went and chugged some water. I had a few minutes to spare so I woke up Bob, who had the covers barely hiding his lower half. I smiled and caressed his cheek, kissing his forehead. "Wake up, big guy." I muttered, "Time to get up." Bob slowly opened his eyes and grabbed my hand. He shuffled around and put his head on my lap, mumbling something that I couldn't understand. "What's that, hun? Speak up." I smiled. He nuzzled against my thighs and wrapped his arms around me, closing his eyes to go back to sleep. "Goodmorning, beautiful." He kissed my thighs and started dozing off again. A simple stroke to his hair was enough to wake him up again. He nuzzled me again with a slight purr. "..I love you.." He said, his voice muffled into my stomach. I smiled and pat his head. "Hah, I love you too. Where'd all this sweetness come from?" I asked, grabbing his face and forcing him to look at me to keep him awake. "Since I fucked your cute ass." He muttered, slowly getting up and out of bed. He was so much different somehow.  He was sweet, calm, kind, loving, and caring. He wasn't at all the sadistic cannibalistic murderer that he was the previous days. It's so different, so odd. 

About an hour later I was standing behind the counter at work, my hand on my cheek. I kept dozing off until I heard the door jingle. Fuck. It's my boss... He came in with a straight face; one that soon came to be a harsh frown. I gulped and quickly acted like I'd been working hard. "Y/N!" He shouted with a hard gurgle in his throat that he soon cleared, "That incident yesterday, remember it?" I tensed up my entire body and took a deep breath in, letting out a shaky, "Yeah..?" He walked up to the counter and slammed his hand down. "FIRED!" He yelled, grabbing my apron and yanking it off. I was tugged forward by the force and felt it harshly dig into my skin. I let a single tear fall from the immense pain and stood there puzzled for a moment before he yelled at me again. "OUT!!" I jumped at the yell and then shook my head with a sigh. Whatever... I'll just go home and sleep. I'll deal with this tomorrow. 

When I got home Bob was nowhere in sight. I checked everywhere. I couldn't find him. Of course, I'm not surprised. Yeah he was nice and all last night and this morning, but he's a murderer. He's probably gone for a reason. I lounged in my house for a short bit trying to unwind and relax before the door swung open. It was Bob. He was in his costume again. That devil costume. I just stared at him. "You're off work early, aren't ya Darlin'?" He asked, kissing me on the forehead. "Yeah," I said, "Uhm.. 'Bout that.. Kinda got fired. Boss ripped my apron off and yelled at me. Really hurt, to be honest. But whatever. Lost my job, I'll find another one. Who cares?" Bob just looked at me, his straight face soon morphing into that signature, creepy, wide eyed and horn to horn grin. "He did what?" He growled with a smile. I got up and pulled up my shirt, revealing a very large dark band around my back where the apron had tugged on my skin. It was bruised and purple, mixed with some brown and little green-ish dots. The bruise wrapped all around my back and hurt to the touch. Bob smiled even wider, going completely silent and walking out of the house without a word. I just stood there in silence, eventually walking back to my room and laying down in my bed. I got on my phone and scrolled through Tik Tok for a bit until I got a knock at the door. I got up, annoyed that I had to ditch my comfort, and walked to the door with an angry sigh. When I opened the door, I found Lila. She stood with Skid in her arms. "Hello, Y/N! I have to head down to my work to drop off some documents. Do you think you could watch Skid for a little bit?" It was only 12 o'clock in the afternoon and who knows how long I'd be with this kid. I shot Skid a look and raised my eyebrow. This was my clear way of saying that he better not be a menace. I exhaled through my nose and smiled. "Of course, Lila! Has he had lunch yet?" I asked, grabbing Skid and setting him on the floor. He immediately ran for the TV and turned on a scary movie. I hope he knows Spooky Month is over... "No," Lila replied, "If you don't mind, could you make him some?" I nodded kindly and said, "Oh of course! I don't mind at all. He can have all he wants. Is it okay if I take him to the candy store later?" Lila nodded and said yes before stepping away and waving. "Well, I've gotta go! Don't get him too much candy!" Lila hopped into her car and drove off with one last smile. I waved as she drove off and then shut the door. Well, at least this will keep my mind off of the lost job. 

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