Hide and Seek

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October 30th, 8:19

"Fine," I said, "But if I win, you have to leave those kids alone too." He raised an eyebrow, but his grin didn't even flinch. I smirked, knowing I'd win this. He then nodded and grabbed my hand forcefully. "So, we have ourselves a deal?" Bob growled, squeezing my hand tighter and forcing my body to spin around, pushing me forward and away from him. "Now, go hide, Darlin'."  It must have been the raspy growl that echoed through his teeth when he spoke, because something in his voice when he called me "darlin'" made me almost smile. I'd never had anyone call me any sort of kind nickname. I enjoyed it. 

Of course, I did as told in the hopes of winning. I watched him cover his eyes before jogging for an alleyway where I turned and jumped on top of a dumpster. I was pretty agile, so getting around obstacles was easy for me. Quickly, I jumped behind that dumpster. It was a gap just small enough to fit into, one between the dumpster and the wall. I held my back to the wall, and wiggled my fingers at a trash bin close to the dumpster. After a quick moment of trying, I'd wrapped my fingers around its handle and slowly moved it closer to the gap in which I hid. Once I was finished hiding, he was long done searching by then, I had my spot. Squished between a dumpster and the brick wall of a building with a trash bin covering the gap. That way, if he came into this alley, he wouldn't see me as fast. Or, not at all. I had a small gap that I could see from. I told you I'm good at hiding.


I don't know what it is about her, but something in those eyes..It makes it hard for me to even begin thinking about killing her. She was almost excited to play this game. Has she never played a game before? She acted like it was a new thing for her. 

I stepped down the sidewalk. Where would anyone go when told to play hide and seek with a cannibal? An alleyway. I stomped down an alleyway, bein' sure she felt hunted by me. Something was out of place. A trash bin far too close to a dumpster. Oh, Darlin', I wasn't born yesterday. I stepped past her awful hiding spot, pretendin' not to see her. I could hear her breathe. It was heavy. She's scared.....I walked to the end of the alleyway, slowly turning around and pulling out my knife. I rubbed it against the sharpener I held in my left hand, creating a scratchy, ear piercin' screech. I could see her, just barely. My knife scraped against the sharpener again. 

"Found ya." I snarled, moving the dumpster out of the way. She looked almost dead with how scared she was. I lifted my knife towards her, her hands began to shake and her soft eyes filled with tears. She had no clue what to do. Just then, I froze up. The hell? I froze up? I've never not killed one of my victims before! Why can't I move my knife? Do I feel bad for her?

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