What Do You Seek?

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I'm writing this on Thanksgiving, so here's a message from the writer to all of my readers; Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Today I am thankful for all of you and the support on this story! I hope everyone has a lovely Thanksgiving! Thank you all!    


November 4th, 9:00 AM

I woke up to the  sound of an alarm ringing in my ears. Annoyed, I punched the clock. The punch sent my alarm clock off my nightstand and onto the floor, causing it to shut up. I rubbed my eyes and got up out of bed. I have to give Bob an answer today. 

I did my morning routine; brushed my teeth,  showered, brushed my hair and dressed up cute. What should I wear today? How about.. A black tule skirt with lace and belts on the side, black platformed boots with studs, a spiked wristband and a spiked collar, and maybe a black long sleeved shirt? Yeah, that's good! I gave myself a nice look in the mirror to approve my outfit and then I walked out into my living room. It was very bright and sunny outside, but it was snowy. So, the entire town was lit up brightly by the reflective snow. I shook my head and sighed. Okay, so, I need to make up my mind quickly. Should I do it? Should I really throw away my normal life to become something awful? If I did this, I'd get to fulfill my needs. I would get to live forever with Bob and be on his side no matter what. I would get the love I crave from this man without feeling guilty. I want him... And he wants me. Maybe it's worth it.. 

A short moment later, Bob arrived at my house. "You got your answer, Darlin'?" He asked, taking my hand and guiding me out of the house and towards the house on the hill. "Well, there is still a lot to figure out." "And what is there to figure out?" Bob sighed. He seemed visibly annoyed that I hadn't said yes right away. He slowed his walking, as if he was holding back from his destination. "Well, for example, I'd be leaving a lot behind to do this, Bob. I would be abandoning my family, my friends, my life! I'd be getting everything I want and yet nothing at all. I mean, Bob, what would I get out of this?" I whined, turning to him and shrugging. Bob blinked slowly before directing his eyes towards the ground, then back at me. "You'd get me." He sheepishly muttered. I suddenly froze up, my face burning bright red. "What?" I uttered, turning to him. Bob smiled and grabbed my hand, locking our fingers together. "I said" He began, "You'd get me. It would be easier to be a... Well.. A couple." My heart skipped a beat when I heard the word "couple" come out of his mouth. We'd get to be together. Maybe this is worth it. You know what.... "I'll do it." I confidently said. Bob raised his eyebrow. "You must be desperate, huh?" He questioned. I smiled, knowing damn well that this was a solid decision. My final decision. "Yeah, wouldn't call it desperate. I want you." I explained. Bob smiled his large and evil smile. By now, we were on the path to the house on the hill. We were about half way there. Bob kept silent and walked forward, this time grabbing my hand and guiding me. 

"We're here." He said. I stepped backwards and tilted my head upwards. We had arrived at the old mansion. It was visibly old and colored in a dark cobalt blue. The trees surrounding it were dead and dark grey and brown. There were no flowers or bright green patches of grass. It was only flaxen yellow, crunchy dead grass. The wood of the mansion was weathered and broken, some of it rotted and chunk of it missing or hanging on by a loose nail. Unseen boards creaked in the gentle winter breeze. Being this close to the old mansion was truly an awful feeling. Each creak of the board left a tighter knot in my gut. Every blow of the wind had me choked up as if I were about to throw up. Something red had caught my eye from the upstairs window, but, I ignored it. "Come in." Bob demanded, nudging me inside and stepping next to me. We both stood inside of the mansion in silence. I was terrified. This feels unnatural compared to the way he's been acting. What is he gonna do to me? The heavy wooden doors slammed shut behind us, causing me to jump and twist around quickly, beginning to back away from the door. Bob watched with a confused expression. That's when I noticed that his eyes weren't directed at me. They were directed at something behind me. I was consumed by fear. This dark mansion with no ambiance, Bob's emotionless face, the creaking boards.. I was overwhelmed. Then, before I could turn around to see what Bob was looking at, something slid over my face. 

When the object was finally removed from my face, I was in a dark room full of stars. There was no  sound or sign of life anywhere. It was just a giant space full of stars. I got up, looking for the person or thing that had thrown the object over my head, but nobody was around. My breathing picked up. I couldn't breathe. I was terrified. Why'd I ever trust him. Why did I come down here? Where the fuck am I? "Bob!! Bob let me out of here! Please! Where am I?! Bob??!!" I screamed. The only answer I got was the hollowed echo of my own voice. I spun around trying to find an exit but I was only met with more stars. Where the hell am I? Suddenly, I heard a very loud rumbling. The ground beneath me began to shake. It made me lose balance. What the fuck is happening?! I slowly turned around, being met with a giant octopus like creature. It had a large, round head filled with giant blue eyes. They were the same color as Bob's eyes. I stood face to face with this being, my heart racing. Everything happened so fast. It feels like just a few seconds ago I was back at home. I stepped back, my skirt blowing in some sort of wind. The creature stared at me for a hard moment before opening its tooth filled jaws. "I am the eyes of the universe. What do you seek?" It said in a gravelly, deep voice. Wait, is this why I am here? The beast wrapped a large tentacle around my waist and brought me to its face. What do I seek? Well, I seek a relationship with a murderer.. I seek free will to murder? To eat the meat of my own kind.. To be like the one I am in love with.. "I seek the free will to kill." I said. My voice was shaking and my palms were sweating. The beast seemed to almost smile. "I cannot grant you the free will to kill. But, I will help you become one of them." The beast suddenly shot up above the ground. We were back in the mansion. And in front of us, a large group of people in red robes. Each robe was the same; red with several holes in the face area and a golden necklace around their necks. In the center of those necklaces was a bright greenish blue rhombus shaped gem. I examined them in awe and fear. I was about to break free and run away in hopes that I wouldn't die. But then, I saw Bob. He lifted the hood of his robe and looked at me with a soft, loving smile. He seemed almost proud of me. He knew this would happen didn't he? He wanted this to happen. That's why he wanted the answer as soon as possible. I want this don't I? I can quit all of this crazy shit at any moment... Can't I? 

"I'll do it." I said, turning to the monster. It grinned again, widening its eyes at me. When I looked into its eyes, my world suddenly went dark. My body felt tingly and cold. I felt like I was dead. My body felt so weak and yet so strong, as if the beast was granting me some sort of power. I could feel my pupils dilating. Something was happening.. Suddenly, everything got blurry. I don't know what happened next. It was a rush of blurs and smudgy red figures. Every noise was echoed and quiet. I felt like I was losing all of my senses. I felt like I was going deaf or blind. My body was limp and I could not feel anything. I allowed my eyes to fall shut since they weren't doing much help anyways. The last thing I remember was being carried home and placed in my bed. Something heavy was set on my chest. 

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